Write a ~2 page paper (500 word minimum) where you summarize the different parts of the article.

Write a ~2 page paper (500 word minimum) where you summarize the different parts of the article..

Write a ~2 page paper (500 word minimum) where you summarize the different parts of the article. In addition to learning more about Neanderthals, this assignment is good practice for you to learn about the structure of a scientific research paper (you will have to read these papers when you take upper-division classes at a university). Read the information in this link carefully so that you understand the different components of a research article: https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/scientific-papers-13815490/# (Links to an external site.)
Your paper should summarize the following parts of the research article:
Introduction: Why is this a significant research topic? What questions or unknowns can this study answer? Clearly identify the thesis statement (object/intent) of the article.
Materials and Methods: What evidence is the article based on? What methods were used to collect and analyze the data? (NOTE: the methods can be very complex so don’t get bogged down in these details. Try to focus on the big picture of what was done.)
Results: What were the results of the study? What did analysis of the data show?
Discussion (sometimes this is combined with the Results section): What is the significance of the results? What do they mean?
Conclusion: Why was this a significant research paper? What new knowledge about Neanderthals did it contribute?
MAKE SURE YOUR ARTICLE IS PROPERLY CITED AND REFERENCED (see the project directions for detailed instructions)

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Write a ~2 page paper (500 word minimum) where you summarize the different parts of the article.

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