Write a topic on political economy as heart of the argument

Write a topic on political economy as heart of the argument.

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Write a topic on political economy as heart of the argument

You will write on a topic of your choosing, but please be sure that political economy is at the heart of your argument and that you link your argument to the academic debates in global environmental politics

Explain your argument and how it will address the problem you identify. Your argument should be nuanced and sophisticated (i.e., not too obvious) and specific (i.e., not an over-generalization). Your argument should not make an obvious, general claim such as “political interests matter” or “corporations are powerful.” Be sure to identify possible alternative arguments to yours and how you plan to address them.

150-word abstract on the first page: use original wording in the abstract (i.e., do not cut-and-paste from the main text). You must provide a computer word count on your cover sheet. Do not include your endnotes (or footnotes), references, or abstract in the overall word count. (All references should be cited at least once; please rely on at least 15 different references, being sure to fact-check and update all statistics you use in the essay.)

Please ensure that at least half of your references in your bibliography are to political science books and journal articles (such as articles in the journals Global Environmental Politics or International Organization and books in the environmental politics series at MIT Press and Polity Press).

Try to develop a robust answer by, for example, looking for variation across cases/countries and by weaving in appropriate theories and/or analytical concepts (e.g., shadows of consumption; eco-business; compromise of liberal environmentalism; transnational activist networks; norms and norm diffusion; the ‘boomerang’ strategy; ecomodernism; individualization of responsibility; environmentalism of the rich; corporatization of activism; eco-consumerism; environmental racism; ecological imperialism; environmental justice, etc.)

Write a topic on political economy as heart of the argument

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