Write a two page maintenance plan. The plan must include maintenance for indoor and outdoor goals..
WEEK 3 PM Write a two page maintenance plan. The plan must include maintenance for indoor and outdoor goals. The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines. The maintenance plan should summarize: • Short term goals. • Long term goals. • Policies and procedures for routine maintenance. • Policies and procedures for preventative maintenance. • Policies and procedures for corrective maintenance. As you are preparing your maintenance plan and retrieving information from various sources, be sure to include the following: • Explain whether or not you will use on-site maintenance personnel or hire on a contract basis. • Explain whether outdoor maintenance be handled by the same personnel that handle inside maintenance. • Explain the necessary maintenance tasks. • Describe how the maintenance tasks will be kept and scheduled.
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Write a two page maintenance plan. The plan must include maintenance for indoor and outdoor goals.