Write an introduction to the selected advanced nursing practice

Write an introduction to the selected advanced nursing practice.

The purpose of this application is to provide the student an opportunity to design a systems change project for quality improvement of patient safety. Ex: A system change project could be bed alarm for fall precaution, or monitoring IV date changes, or Neonatal safety in the Nursery…

Kindly make sure APA Articles are within the last FIVE years only and Plagiarism is at low index and properly paraphrased.

The length of the project report is to be no fewer than FIVE and no greater than eight pages, excluding the title page and reference pages.
Note: Write an introduction to the selected advanced nursing practice patient safety concern, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
Description of selected systems change for quality improvement proposal
Presentation of selected systems change for quality improvement analysis

Preparing the Project Report

The following are best practices for preparing this project report.

When introducing the selected advanced nursing practice patient safety concern, be sure to include pertinent background information regarding your concern (who, what, where, when, and why).
When describing the selected systems change for quality improvement proposal, be sure to fully identify and address each step of your selected change model (Please include that Lewin’s change model illustrates an adequate example of various stages of change at the hospital level. The three stages of Lewin’s change model are unfreezing, changing and refreezing)

When presenting the selected systems change for quality improvement analysis, be sure to fully address expected outcomes and the role of the DNP-prepared nursing leader in outcomes evaluation and sustainability of the proposed change.

Write an introduction to the selected advanced nursing practice

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