7 – Skeletal System

7 – Skeletal System.


1. How many ribs make up the rib cage?

2. What is the name of the bone labeled “#2”?

3. What two major organs does the rib cage protect?

4. If you were punched in the stomach, would your ribs protect you? Explain!

5. How many vertebrae can you count in this spine?

6. Label the 7 cervical vertebrae on your diagram.

(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7)

7. Label the 12 thoracic vertebrae on your diagram.

(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)

8. Label the 5 lumbar vertebrae on your diagram.(L1, L2, L3, L4, L5)

9. Label the sacrum and coccyx on your diagram.

10. How many cartilage disks are in your spine?(Hint: you will need to count)

11. Identify the types of joints:

a. Elbow = 

b. Skull = 

c. Vertebrae = 

d. Hip =

12. Go to Busy Bones – Virtual Bones Lab then click on the “Virtual Bone Microscope”

13. Click on slide 1

a. What is the other name for Trabecular bone?

b. Describe the characteristics of 

i. Spongy bone

ii. Compact bone

14. Click on slide 2

a. Describe the epiphysis and its function.

b. Describe the growth plate and its function.

15. Click on slides 3 and 4

a. What do the osteoblasts do?

16. Click on slide 5, 7, and 8

a. Describe what is in the Haversian canals.

b. Describe the canaliculi and their function.

17. Click on slide 6

a. Describe the trabeculae and what fills this.


1. The skeleton is divided into 2 sections. The __________________ skeleton which includes the skull, ribs, sternum, and vertebrae, and the _______________________ skeleton which is mainly the limbs.

2. Go to Busy Bones – Virtual Bones Lab then click on the “Skeleton Viewer” to investigate the names and positions of the various bones. Label the skeleton below.

7 – Skeletal System

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