Traffic light labeling and additional tax for low nutritional value food for obesity prevention? – this is a political action project this is not an ESSAY

Traffic light labeling and additional tax for low nutritional value food for obesity prevention? – this is a political action project this is not an ESSAY.


Political Action Project
Description of Project:
The student shall select one political issue in the current health care forum that has an impact on health, health care or the practice of nursing. The student will critically examine the topic and choose a stance on the topic (either pro or con). The student will succinctly discuss the issue in a two page executive summary. The summary shall include a brief description of the issue, examples of why or why not the topic should be supported by nursing, and how the topic affects health, health care or professional nursing practice. At least two references to support the summary must be included.
Objectives of Project:
Upon completion of the project the student will be able to:
1. Critically examine a political issue in the current healthcare forum.
2. Develop a political view with documented references from the nursing literature either supporting or condemning a political issue.
3. Relate political issues to nursing practice.
Design of Project:
Two page executive summary in APA format, which includes the following:
a. The political topic
b. The source of the topic
c. The students view on the political issue
d. How the topic relates to nursing
e. How the topic affects health, health care or professional nursing practice
f. At least two references
Potential Areas to Search for Topics:
Professional Nursing Journals (American Journal of Nursing, American Nurse
Professional Nursing Websites (MNA, ANA, DNA)
Specialty Area Nursing Websites (ENA, AORN, AACN)
Journals, Newspapers, Television News Programs
Evaluation of Project:
Executive Summary Criteria Possible
Format of paper is appropriate and meets APA guidelines 10
Information is clear, readable and accurate 20
Thorough and accurate description of the political issue 20
Political position is clearly stated, critically examined and defended 20
Political position is clearly tied to nursing+ 20
Includes at least two appropriate references (evidence-based) 10

Political action project-Advocate for political health related issue for a specific group.
What health related issues are you advocating for? ?Traffic light labeling and additional tax for low nutritional value food for obesity prevention? I?m choosing this topic, however, if you have a different idea for a better topic that would deal with a health related issue and strictly followed the instructor?s description of the political action project, please let me know of your choice of the topic.
What is the group that you are going to advocate? Consumers of unhealthy food
This is only 2 pages (do not exceed) succinctly discuss the issue in a two page executive summary.
Brief description of the issue; how the issue affects health, health care, or professional nursing practice?
Identify ? concerns with this issue? who are you trying to convince? Who is/are the audience that you are going to talk to about this issue? How are you going to do this? Are you trying to convince the legislative body? Congress, State? Senate?… Be specific which one? How could you do your best to implement this change?
Show testimony: give them absolute information?at least 2 references evidence-base

Traffic light labeling and additional tax for low nutritional value food for obesity prevention? – this is a political action project this is not an ESSAY

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