An Analysis of Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring.

An Analysis of Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring..

An Analysis of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. please note : number of resources and pages is up to writer . not more than 5 pages if less than 5 also acceptable . guidelines need to cover is : 1. Overview and Summary of selected mid-range theory


please note : number of resources and pages is up to writer . not more than 5 pages if less than 5 also acceptable .

guidelines need to cover is :

1. Overview and Summary of selected mid-range theory
a. Author and background
b. Practice setting
c. Elements of theory

2. Applicability
a. Address the practicality of the theory
b. Address the logic of the theory
c. Discuss how the theory adds understanding to a phenomenon related to nursing care

3. Conclusion
4. Professionalism and Presentation Style
Guidelines for the Theory Critique
I Meaning
– Describe the main ideas of the theory

II. Diagram
– Provide a diagram including all concepts.

III. Origins of the theory
– Theorist motivation in making the theory

IV. Metaparadigm
– Understanding of the metaparadigm applied in the theory
V. Usefulness
– Provide a concrete example where the theory has been utilized

VI. Testability:
– Does the theory been tested? Cite specific examples to support.

VII. Overall Evaluation
– Provide strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis

VIII. Application
– How the theory lead into action
– Significance of the theory to nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing administration
– Time value (when is this theory be utilized?)

IX. Summary/Conclusion

X. References/Bibliography

An Analysis of Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring.

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