Analyse different counselling approaches/conceptual models

Analyse different counselling approaches/conceptual models.

2. Analyse different counselling approaches/conceptual models used when counselling this client group; 600 words This report will examine the case of TJ smith, (please refer to appendix 1 for case study template). During this report it can be comprehended that TJ has completed a number of 9 counselling sessions out of the 12 that have been agreed and thus therapy is still incomplete. The chosen approach with TJ was cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This approach investigates the connections between emotions, thoughts and behaviour. In regard to TJ’s age group, this approach is a more “directive, time-limited, structured approach used to treat a variety of mental health disorders. It aims to alleviate distress by helping patients to develop more adaptive cognitions and behaviours” (Fenn & Byrne, 2013, p.580). This approach was considered to be beneficial as with TJ, as there was a focus on behaviour, and teachers at school insinuated that TJ’s behaviour had been negatively impacted and so this model was paramount to tackle this issue. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has proven to be a very effective therapy with young people and adolescents such as TJ who suffer with anxiety disorders. A review done alongside children (Otte, 2011) and older adults (Gould, 2012) indicates that CBT is applicable across age ranges and so CBT can be suggested more commonly for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Conversely, another possible approach that could have been taken was person centred approach. The person-centred approach could theoretically work for TJ, as there would be a focus on working on self-actualisation, strengthen his internal locus of control which according to (Rotter, 1966) locus of control is a construct that is said to be part of our personality. Lastly, building on his positive regard. For e.g. when TJ came to session no.6 (refer to appendix 2 for session diaries), he stated “the reason I failed my exam was because the teacher couldn’t teach, and the exam was unfair.” This would suggest that he has an external locus of control and blames external factors for his failure. Furthermore, an external locus will emphasise individuals needs to be in constant control of the small things in their life. This can cause more anxiety when they leave their comfort zone and tackle the bigger challenges (Watson, 1967, p. 91) As a counsellor the CBT approach was followed however it can be seen the person-centred approach would have been valuable at this point as… research shows Person centred also deals with anxiety however as described previously for TJ, it was felt that something more directive was more useful. – CRITICAL AWARENESS- COMPARE BOTH APPROACHES

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