Analyse how the marketing function works with other business functions to ensure new customer expectations, in relation to this existing product, are met.

Analyse how the marketing function works with other business functions to ensure new customer expectations, in relation to this existing product, are met..

Assignment 1
Provide a brief context for either an insurance organisation, or a division of an insurance organisation, with which you are
For this insurance organisation, or division of an insurance organisation:
• Identify one significant existing product.
• Explain briefly how the marketing function contributes to identifying and winning new customers for this existing
• Analyse how the marketing function works with other business functions to ensure new customer expectations, in
relation to this existing product, are met.
• Make recommendations, based on your analysis, to improve the fulfilment of new customers’ expectations for this
existing product.

You are the nursing representative on a working group that is providing advice to a Maternal and Child Health Centre on implementing a program designed to prevent infant sleep problems and postnatal depression. You volunteer to search the literature and find the following article:

Hiscock, H., Cook, F., Bayer, J., Le, H. N., Mensah, F., Cann, W., Symon, B., and St James-Roberts, I. (2014). Preventing Early Infant Sleep and Crying Problems and Postnatal Depression: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics, 133(2), e346-e354. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-1886

You wonder if the article is any good and whether the approach they take would be useful and suitable for your Maternal and Child Health Centre.

The aim of this assignment is for students to critically appraise a selected published randomised controlled trial (RCT) and to apply what is found to a clinical scenario. Students are required to complete the following activities.

Summarise the provided study using the PICOT framework

Critically appraise the validity of the study using an established framework • Explain the primary study results
Relate appraised study evidence to the clinical scenario

In the last 2 chapters of Business Model Generation, the authors describe and analyze the strategy and process for developing successful business models. After carefully reading and understanding these chapters, answer these research questions:
• RQ1 What role should external factors of demand play in successful business models? NOTE: First, fully define the role and then analyze or discuss. This must be at least 4 paragraphs.
• RQ2 What is “Business Model Design and Innovation”? Provide examples and discussion for each factor listed. This must be at least 3 paragraphs.
• RQ3 What are the challenges to “Business Model Design and Innovation”? This must be at least 3 paragraphs.
• This assignment must be in a business professional format with a cover page in current APA format and must contain at least 600–800 words. This assignment must also include current APA citations and references.
• You must post the final draft of this assignment in Blackboard using the SafeAssign link provided. Before submitting your final draft, check for any plagiarism issues with the SafeAssign Draft link provided. NOTE: All SafeAssign scores must be less than 28%.


Criteria Levels of Achievement
RQ1 (4 Paragraphs) Analysis clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
RQ2 (3 Paragraphs) Analysis clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
RQ3 (3 Paragraphs) Analysis clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
Current APA Format All sources (information and graphics) were accurately documented in the desired current APA format.
Mechanics Minimal or no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Analyse how the marketing function works with other business functions to ensure new customer expectations, in relation to this existing product, are met.

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