Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area

Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area.

Teaching resources, e.g. supporting teaching, visual prompts or stimulation, variation and diversification of approaches, providing opportunities to develop ICT skills, more memorable, an alternative to the ‘real thing, opportunities to actively engage learners.

□ Learning resources, e.g. engage different learning styles, provide hands-on opportunities for use of specialist tools or equipment, reinforcing learning, supporting and motivating individual learning, fostering independent learning through extended learning.

Word count: 500

1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own specialist area in meeting individual learning needs

1. why is it important to meet the individual needs of the learners?

2. What can you use to review the effectiveness of specific resources? – ; through learner feedback, standardisation meetings and comments from external sources such as examiners


Points to be considered (at least 5)

□ Effectiveness of specific resources, e.g. specific to knowledge content, addressing and developing required skills, matched to abilities of learners, appropriate level of challenge, linked to desired learning outcomes, actively involving learners, supporting individual learning and study, aid to demonstration, the value of ‘real thing, simulation when ‘real thing is unavailable, extending learning, use of new technologies.

Word count: 750

Task 2 (LO2) Be able to develop and use inclusive resources in own specialist area

2.1 Analyse principles of resource design

2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area

2.3 Analyse how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area

Research and write a report on the following:

1. Principles of resource design

Points to be considered (at least 5):

□ Principles of resource design, e.g. meeting learning needs, VAK, positive contribution to consolidating learning, fit-for- purpose, links to preferred learning styles, addressing learning domains (Bloom), sufficient quality and quantity, current content, simple measure of gobbledygook, i.e. SMOG test readability, employing Swedish Execution Time Analysis tool, i.e. SWEET analysis, cost effective, health and safety or risk assessment requirements, user friendly.

2. Sources that inform resource development in own specialist area

Points to be considered (at least 3 from each paragraph):

□ Sources to inform development, e.g. exploring existing good practice with peers and colleagues, library or study centre provision, internet resources to inform specific subject or area, networking with subject specialists, individual learners.

□ Formal sources, e.g. advice and guidance from awarding organisation, subject journals, online reviews, vocational sector skills bodies, industry, professional bodies, commercial providers.

3. Theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area (link your answer to criteria 4.1 and 4.2 of your unit 3).

Points to be considered (at least 5):

□ Theories, principles and models, e.g. Neuro Linguistic Programming i.e. NLP to engage different aspects of learning (Bandler & Grinder), addressing learning domains (Bloom, Romiszowski), reinforcing experiential learning cycle (Kolb), building knowledge and skills (Dale), addressing different levels of need (Maslow), development of flexible/blended resources for extended learning opportunities, virtual learning environment, i.e. VLE.

Word count: 850

Task 3 (AC2.4) Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area

Give 4 examples of why and when you had to adapt resources to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area.

Use the following points to be considered:

□ Adapting resources, e.g. paper-based, e.g. adapt language to purpose, SMOG test for readability level, change of paper colour, alter font type and size, use of images and white space, providing alternatives at different levels; others, e.g. allowing learners to adapt own resources, appropriate use of PowerPoint, change environment and workplace resources, modify tools or equipment; technology e.g. software, hardware, online web based, VLE.

Word count: 700

LO3 Understand how to organise and enable access to resources

Task 5 (3.1) Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored

Identify various computer file types and the selection of most appropriate, such as PDFs, MP3/4.

Review the two common platforms for the access, uploading and redeveloping of learning materials

Points to be considered when (all):

□ Classification, e.g. clear and logical classification system for retrieval, systematic filing and management of resources, maintaining current and archive documents, produce and maintain appropriate catalogues.

□ Storage, e.g. suitable storage system for materials, secure environment for tools and equipment, suitable protection and storage of tapes and discs including computer floppy discs or USB devices, limited access for security, booking or issuing system to minimise losses.

Word count: 750

Task 6 (3.2) Review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals

List and review 4 ways of sharing resources with other professionals such as network shared areas, on-line file sharing, VLEs, social networking and published journals

□ Sharing resources, e.g. identifying common resources, creation and use of central resource bank, making catalogues of resources available to users, intranet for common-user storage, access to VLE (e.g. Moodle), networking with interested parties, system for trading resources, inter- organisation loans, dissemination of good practice, offering training opportunities.

Word count: 700

Task 7 (LO4) Understand legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

4.1 Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

Points to be considered (at least 5):

□ Legal requirements and responsibilities, e.g. copyright legislation, plagiarism, data protection, photocopying restrictions, personal liability issues, storage of materials in line with licensing agreements, sponsorship restrictions, awareness of specific regulations relation to internet materials and access, health and safety requirements, risk assessment, training for use of equipment.

Word count: 650

4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources

Points to be considered (all):

□ Intellectual property rights and copyright, e.g. awareness of organisation and contractual obligations in relation to materials or resources produced during contracted hours, personal intellectual property rights for resources generated outside of contracted hours, restrictions on copying, acknowledgement of authorship in referencing where possible and appropriate

Word count: 600

Task 8 (LO5) Be able to evaluate own practice in relation to development and use of resources in own specialist area

5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use of resources

5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources

In your self evaluation, please add at least 5 from each paragraph:

□ 5.1 – Effectiveness of resources, e.g. SWEET analysis, fit for purpose, appropriate to subject and learners, suitable level, good visual impact, legibility of printed materials, recognising limitations, adaptable to need, actively engaging learners, providing for flexible and extended learning opportunities, use of new and emerging technologies, encouraging independent learning, cost effective, appropriate use of time and materials.

□ 5.2 Strengths, e.g. confidence in using range and variety of resources, awareness of impact, opportunities for differentiation of resource design, practical skills needed to adapt design and use resources to address a range of learners needs, embedding opportunities for use of ICT.

□ 5.2 Areas for improvement, e.g. skills audit, subject up-dating, alternative approaches, exploring and developing new technologies, developing blended learning to allow for flexible or distance learning, identifying range of specific learning needs to address diversity.

□ 5.3 Opportunities to improve own skills, e.g. action planning as result of observations and evaluation of practice, review resources available, development of intranet and virtual learning environment, i.e. VLE materials, internet research, awarding organisation events, updating in industrial or vocational area, participate in good practice groups, work shadowing, observation of more experienced colleague in same area, observing practice in developing resources in different contexts, working alongside a specialist, negotiating with learners, retraining.

Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area

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