Analyze four characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations

Analyze four characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations.

In 3–5 pages:

  • Describe the characteristics of abusers
  • Analyze four characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations
  • Analyze four roles of substance abuse and its effect on domestic violence.
  • Strongly support your claims with detailed information, examples, case studies, etc.

I will be using the following rubric to grade this assignment:

Identify the role of substance abuse. Student identifies at least four roles of substance abuse and its effect on domestic violence with detailed supporting information. 10%
Identify the characteristics of abusers. Student identifies at least four major characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations and provided supporting detailed information. 20%
Research the characteristics of abusers. Student used at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discussed how they evaluated the credibility of the resources used. 20%
Apply knowledge of the role of substance abuse and the characteristics of abusers in relation to partner violence. Student applies knowledge of four roles of substance abuse and four characteristics of abusers in relation to partner violence. 30%
Analyze the role of substance abuse and the characteristics of abusers in relation to partner violence. Student thoroughly analyzes the role of both substance abuse or the characteristics of abuser in relation to partner violence. Provided examples of four roles of substance abuse and its effect on domestic violence and four major characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations. 5%
Source Attribution Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations. Quotation marks are always used when appropriate. 2.5%
Source Use/Integration Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 2.5%
Mechanics Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 3.0%
Organization Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 3.5%
Language Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience.

Analyze four characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations

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