Analyze the evolution of the promotion of health and disease prevention in the U.S. and identify the point at which a clear shift in the thinking in the dominant culture occurred resulting in the greatest impact on the health care insurance system in the U.S.

Analyze the evolution of the promotion of health and disease prevention in the U.S. and identify the point at which a clear shift in the thinking in the dominant culture occurred resulting in the greatest impact on the health care insurance system in the U.S..

The U
. has experienced a significant increase in the cost of health care
. In 2004, 16% of the Gross

Domestic Product (GDP) was spent on health care
. In 2010, President Obama signed the œAffordable

Health Care for America Act (HR 3962) that has been a topic of heated debate since discussions began

decades ago
. Health care funding and design has been a major issue for U

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper that addresses the following directives below

. Provide a discussion that demonstrates you have an understanding of the impact the cost of

health care has on the economy
. Be sure to discuss the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

. Health care legislation impacts an array of factors such as quality of health care, insurance

coverage, the free market, etc
. Select two to three (2-3) areas impacted by health care legislation

such as HR 3962, and provide an argument in support of the health care act and two arguments

that are in opposition to such a health care act

. Compare the three (3) main types of health insurance in the U
. and assess the solvency of

. Make a prediction regarding the longevity of each type over the next 30 years

. Debate whether or not private health insurance violates the standard principles of insurance

. Analyze the evolution of the promotion of health and disease prevention in the U
. and identify

the point at which a clear shift in the thinking in the dominant culture occurred resulting in the

greatest impact on the health care insurance system in the U

. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment
. Note: Wikipedia and other

Websites do not quality as academic resources

Analyze the evolution of the promotion of health and disease prevention in the U.S. and identify the point at which a clear shift in the thinking in the dominant culture occurred resulting in the greatest impact on the health care insurance system in the U.S.

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