Application of Hollands Theory to Alder Work and Life Career Report Paper

Application of Hollands Theory to Alder Work and Life Career Report Paper.

Application of Hollands Theory to Alder Work and Life Career Report Paper

The book to reference is:

Swanson, J. L., & Fouad, N. A. (2015). Career theory and practice: Learning through case studies (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Assignment One

This is the first assignment in your course project. The purpose of this assignment is to identify your interviewee and ensure that he or she has enough work history and experience to form the basis of your analysis. You should have already contacted your interviewee, gathered some basic information on his or her work history, and scheduled an interview time. For this assignment, address the following elements:

  • Identify your interviewee and describe why you chose that person.
  • Briefly summarize your interviewee’s work and life career history, as you understand it today.
  • Describe any challenges, major events, or other relevant circumstances the person has had, in terms of his or her work and life career history.

  • Number of pages: Your paper should be 1–2 double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Written communication: Written communication must reflect graduate-level writing skills and successfully convey the message.

Review the Interview Selection and Description Scoring Guide to be sure that you address the grading criteria of this assignment.

Assignment Two

Theories and models both describe a view of a concept such as career development. However, models tend to be more general and theories refer to a specific approach. For example, cognitive therapy is a model of psychotherapy, and Beck’s approach is a specific theory within the cognitive model. Vocational theory also has general models as well as specific theories within each of the models.

For this assignment, write a brief paper that describes and compares two career development theories and identifies where they fit into the evolution of the career counseling field. Choose two of the following career development theories:

  • Krumboltz learning theory.
  • Happenstance theory.
  • Anne Roe’s relational theory.
  • Cognitive information processing theory.
  • Career construction/contextual theory.

Use your own research and any applicable course readings to write an analysis of your two chosen theories. Address the following elements in your paper:

  • Identify and describe the two models.
  • Compare the principles of the models.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each model.
  • Provide a brief historical timeline summary of the development of the career counseling field, including historical trends, as well as where the two models fit in.
  • Analyze the relevance of the models to the present day career counseling environment.
  • Include a proper introduction and conclusion, cover page, and references.
  • Number of pages: Your paper should be 2–3 double-spaced pages, not including your cover page and references.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Formatting: Be sure to use proper APA style when citing and referencing your sources.
  • Written communication: Written communication must reflect graduate-level writing skills and successfully convey the message.

Review the Historical Trends and Models Scoring Guide to ensure that you have addressed the grading expectations for this paper.

Assignment Three

This assignment is the second component of your course project. For this assignment, you will use the findings from your interview to complete an initial analysis. Choose one career counseling theory and apply it to your interview findings.

Your interview should have included questions to help you understand your interviewee’s work, education, and family history. Your goal is to understand your interviewee’s story and the details of how that story evolved. You will not need to use any formal assessments in your interview, but if your subject has completed any, you may choose to use them to help inform your analysis.

Address the following aspects in your paper:

  • Introduce and describe your interviewee’s situation, including his or her interests, preferences, personality, skills, and values. You do not need to address all five of these aspects, but you should address at least two. If your interviewee has completed a formal career-related assessments (Myers-Briggs, Strengthfinder, et cetera), you may include those as well.
  • Choose a theory to apply to your interview and rationalize your choice (Holland, theory of work adjustment, Super, Gottfredson, the relationship approach, or SCCT). (In the Unit 9 assignment, you will choose a second theory from this list to apply to your interview.)
  • Analyze the interviewee’s work and life career history within the framework of your chosen theory.
  • Apply your chosen career development theory to the interests and preferences of your interviewee. How would you connect theory to practice?
  • Include at least five academic sources to support your paper, using proper APA format for all citations and references. Most of your articles should be peer-reviewed sources; you can use the resource provided to help you locate these types of sources. You need to demonstrate a breadth of scholarship available on the topic.

Please note that after you submit this assignment and receive feedback on it, you will be expected to incorporate a revised version in your final analysis in Unit 9.


  • Research and references: Provide a minimum of 5 scholarly references in proper APA style.
  • Number of pages: The body of your paper must be 5–7 double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Formatting: Present your citations and references in APA format.
  • Written communication: Written communication must reflect graduate-level writing skills and successfully convey the message.


Review the Initial Theory Application and Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading expectations.

Assignment Four

Your Final Research and Analysis Paper is due by the end of this week. For this final component in your course project, you will revise your Unit 6 assignment based on the feedback you have received, and complete a similar analysis of your interviewee using a different career development theory. You will also need to examine your interview findings through the lens of cultural influences and ethical concerns. You are expected to integrate the feedback that you receive on your Unit 2 and Unit 6 assignments into your Unit 9 assignment.

Your paper should include the following elements:

  1. Describe your interviewee’s situation, including his or her interests, preferences, personality, skills, and values. You do not need to address all five of these aspects, but you should address at least two. (From your Unit 6 assignment.)
  2. Interpret your interviewee’s work and life career history and development within the framework of at least two career development theories presented in the course. (Choose from Holland, theory of work adjustment, Super, Gottfredson, the relationship approach, or SCCT.)
  3. Evaluate the cultural influences and unplanned unique career and professional development events affecting the work and life career history and career development of your interviewee.
  4. Evaluate potential ethical concerns if the interviewee became a personal career counseling client.
  5. Describe how the application of career counseling theory may assist the interviewee in managing career development.
  6. Analyze current trends in the field supported by the scholarly literature that may be beneficial to the interviewee, given his or her context.
  7. Demonstrate professional communication skills, including graduate-level writing skills and proper APA style and formatting.


  • Research and references: Provide a minimum of 15 scholarly references in proper APA style. Refer to the APA Style and Format Campus page for assistance.
  • Number of pages: The body of your paper must be 12–18 pages, excluding the cover page, abstract, table of contents, and references (see the required sections information).
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Formatting: Present your paper in APA format.
  • Written communication: Written communication must reflect graduate-level writing skills and successfully convey the message.
  • Required sections:
    • A cover page, which includes:
      • The title of your paper.
      • Your name.
      • Your specialization or program.
      • Title and number of this course.
      • The current quarter and year at Capella.
      • Your e-mail address.
      • The instructor’s name.
    • An abstract, or brief summary of your paper.
    • A table of contents.
    • The body of the research paper, including appropriately organized headings and subheadings.
    • A reference list, in proper APA style and format, of the sources cited in your paper.


Review the course project description and the assignment scoring guide to ensure your paper meets all of the project requirements.

Application of Hollands Theory to Alder Work and Life Career Report Paper

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