Application of theoretical and practical knowledge on crisis management

Application of theoretical and practical knowledge on crisis management.

This is an assignment that focuses on the application of theoretical and practical knowledge on crisis management. The paper also demonstrates the understanding of complex organizations.

Application of theoretical and practical knowledge on crisis management

Assessment 2 This assignment involves applying both theoretical and practical knowledge. This assignment is designed to assess your ability to: L3. Evaluate a variety of responses to crisis management and develop these within a simulation gaming context L4. Demonstrate an ability to understand complex organisational systems and processes and develop scenarios to facilitate some generic skills in resilience Instructions: Produce a report, maximum 2000 words (excluding references) that addresses the following question. How can we develop an organisational capability for crisis response, explain with reference to the development of scenarios, teams, exercise design and implementation?


***Word length: Maximum 2,000 words excluding references. Font= Times New Roman, Font size = 12 (for heading and main paragraph) Line spacing = 1.5, Title page = Title page must include your assignment topic, your name, university email, programme of study, module coordinator name and Banner ID.

*** Headings should be bold. Reference: minimum 10-15 peer reviewed journals or book references required. A Harvard Referencing style. A citation software such as Mendeley can be used. It’s free and can be access online from following website: To learn Mendeley following video tutorial can be useful: Guide: Students should demonstrate an awareness of the work done recently in the area of resilience, particularly through BSi PAS 200. Good answers will illustrate this with case studies of success with an emphasis on how the theoretical positions above contributed to this outcome.

Answers should refer to the value of simulation training to build stronger resilience capability among management teams. General guidance: The assignment should be within a report structure. Each section of the report should be in a clearly structure and definition with an introduction or overview. Across the report you will also need to show evidence of assessing a range of resource. E.g. internet, journal articles, text books, official documents such as guidance standards and regulations.

Application of theoretical and practical knowledge on crisis management

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