Are answers for modules written in paragraphs or just dot points?

Are answers for modules written in paragraphs or just dot points?.

Hi Adam
I dont understand what kind of additional professional development activities undertaken on placement are required to pass the unit
what if the facilities they dont have any activities how can we gain this experience to submit the paper on Leo?
Hi An
All you need to submit for the professional portfolio to pass is the activities from the four on-line learning modules.
If you attend any education in-service sessions workshops etc while on prac then you can include some evidence of this as well. Many places also have a range of self-directed learning packages or competency assessment activities related to their specialty area again another valuable learning opportunity for you and additional evidence you could include.
Hope this helps to clarify.
Hi Adam
Can you please clarify if we are to reference any parts of the e-portfolio or is it meant to be our own understanding / take on each question and so would not require references. I just want to be sure Im doing it right!
Many thanks
Hi Ceri
Good question. The primary thing I am looking for is for you to demonstrate the ability to critically appraise the situation consider alternatives/options/interventions/approaches and then logically justify the choice/s that you make. Want to know where your brain is at.
Some of the activities rely solely on your thoughts/interpretations however a few of the questions may logically have some degree of literature support to strengthen your case [eg Mod 1 Brown explains team nursing as comprising; Mod 4 perhaps what is a MDT? How do we determine members of a MDT?].
In part it may also depend on your current level of knowledge as well if it is a topic you are not very familiar with then you would need to look at the literature to improve your skills one of the key skills that you will need to use as a beginning RN! Which is really what we want you to demonstrate throughout all of 355 a beginning RN level of clinical practice.
Hope this helps.
Cheers Adam
Hi Adam
Are answers for modules written in paragraphs or just dot points?
Making points is easier and more convenient I think
Im happy to write a whole paragraph but its not easy for the reader
Hi An
This is what I think:
Module 1 activity more logical to be written paragraph format
Module 2 bullet points would work fine [dont forget to include rationales though] Module 3 Activity 2 bullet points would work except for the detailed admission notes which should be written as per a progress notes entry in the medical record.
Module 3 Activity 3 either format should work [think about which method provides all of the necessary information and conveys it most clearly to the reader]. Shift planner in grid format
Module 4 paragraph format would be better
Hope this helps to clarify.
Hi Adam
Just wanting to clarify with activity 3 for module 3 will a shift planner with priorities listed next to the tasks suffice? or do we need to answer question 1 with a rationale of our assessment of patient needs and then do a shift planner with the priorities?
Hi Katy
No need for a rationale (unless you come up with something wacky and I come back to you to find out what you were thinking!).
As long as you identify all of the cares needed put them appropriately into a shift planner and clearly identify a logical prioritisation for these cares.
In regards to module 2 I was wondering if we are answering this question as a student nurse or as if we are already a Registered Nurse???Grace
Hi Grace
from an RN perspective that is where you will be in not too many few weeks time. I need to know you can think like one!
Hi Adam
For module 3 is the diagnosis for bed 2 supposed to be cholecystitis instead of cholecystectomy as this doesnt make sense to me?
Also for module 4 I dont understand how the questions relate to MND as they are simply asking about members of a multidisciplinary team in general not related to MND. These are the questions:
1. What factors determine the professional groups on a health care team?
2. Who should lead the health care team?
3. Who is the most important member of the health care team?
Hi Madison
Good pick up yes it would have to be cholecystitis (unless of course you suspected the pt had tried to perform a self-cholecystectomy at home?! but then the bleeding and death would be a giveaway).
The MND article is a reference point to get you thinking the Qs dont have bebe answered specifically related to MND. So generically What factors determine the professional groups of a health care team? One component may be the actual diagnosis of the pt (which in the article happens to be MND)?
You may want to make mention of how the team can an does change with changing patient circumstances or diagnoses perhaps?
Hi Adam
Im slightly confused.
The module 2 question asks about delegating tasks. Are Mr Espositos pre-op medications oral or IV which ties to my next question of is the EN endorsed to administer meds at all? Even the nurses Im on prac with seem confused as now apparently they are calling EENs ENs now and they are all endorsed? Also some endorsed are not endorsed for IV but some are
Hi Natasha
This is a very good question and Im a little surprised it has taken until Wk 9 for someone to ask it! Up until now students have been assuming EEN but this is a little dangerous. They are all Enrolled Nurses but some have an additional endorsement to give medications which makes them an EEN.
Although we do not train straight ENs in Australia (to my knowledge) without a medication endorsement anymore you may still come across some ENs that trained a while ago and have not completed (nor want to) the upgrade for medication endorsement. The least likely environment to find a straight EN though is probably in the metropolitan acute sector so many of you may rarely or never come across someone like this and these days the acute environments would be very hesitant to employ an EN without endorsement. Many of the staff you work with on prac will never have worked with a straight EN only endorsed.
And then as you mention the other complicating factor is that some EENs can not do IV meds and some can! This has occured because when the EEN training was first introduced it incorporated oral s/c I.M meds but not IV. This has changed over time and now IV is something that can be done by an EEN but some will not have had the requisite training and therefore it isnt within their specific scope of practice.
So as the RN the take home message is you just need to be aware of the possibility and always clarify with the staff you are working with what they can and can not do before you delegate any tasks!
For the purpose of these modules lets clarify and say that the EN does have a medication endorsement (is an EEN) not IV competent.
MrEspisitos pre-medication is all oral.
Does this long-winded explanation clarify?

Are answers for modules written in paragraphs or just dot points?

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