assess your learning in the subject, as well as being a vehicle for learning itself.

assess your learning in the subject, as well as being a vehicle for learning itself..

This task is an individual academic case study report of a current ethical and/or sustainability issue in business. This is a lengthy piece of work that has been designed to both assess your learning in the subject, as well as being a vehicle for learning itself. By selecting a case study based on events and issues that are of personal interest and relevance to you, you will be able to deeply engage with your chosen topic. This will mean that the assignment is not simply a matter of testing whether you have learned what is covered in class, but rather it is a learning experience in and of itself. Central to this learning will be your ability to develop your own perspectives, argument, and critical appreciation of ethical issues related to business; these are skills and sensitivities that can in turn guide you in your current and/or future professional practice. Please manage your time well in completing this assessment – it cannot be done at the last minute.

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assess your learning in the subject, as well as being a vehicle for learning itself.

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