Assessment DetailsThis assessment is designed to assess develop your skills in Enterprise Architecture (EA). You are required to develop knowledge on EA methodology, EA Framework, data model and emerging EA. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to know major widely accepted Enterprise Architecture (EA) domains, layers, frameworks and governance, which will help in achieving ULO-1,

Assessment DetailsThis assessment is designed to assess develop your skills in Enterprise Architecture (EA). You are required to develop knowledge on EA methodology, EA Framework, data model and emerging EA. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to know major widely accepted Enterprise Architecture (EA) domains, layers, frameworks and governance, which will help in achieving ULO-1,.

Assessment Details:
This assessment is designed to assess develop your skills in Enterprise Architecture (EA). You are required to develop knowledge on EA methodology, EA Framework, data model and emerging EA. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to know major widely accepted Enterprise Architecture (EA) domains, layers, frameworks and governance, which will help in achieving ULO-1,
ULO-2, ULO-3, ULO-4, ULO-5, and ULO-6, this in turn will help you in achieving CLO-1, CLO-2, CLO-4, CLO-7, and CLO-9, which collectively with other unit learning outcomes will help in achieving GA-2, GA-3, and GA-12.
Report 1.1 (Case Study)
Read the case study for the medical clinic or the Johnson and Johnson case study (See the Case Study on the resource folder) and answer the following questions:
• What are the main problems for the organisation?
• What solutions do you propose to help solve these problems?
• Examine the Zachman Framework. How would you apply this to the case study?
Report 1.2 (Frameworks for Enterprise Architecture)
• See the ppt on EA for University of Newcastle from the resource folder and answer the following question:
What processes were proposed for EA?
• Compare the frameworks for EA- Zachman, TOGAF, FEA, and Gartner
• Read the journal article by Kistasamy, C and Alta Van Der Merwe…. To examine the relationship between EA and SOA.
Report 1.3 (ERD diagram)
Entity relationship diagrams provide a visual starting point for database design that can also be used to help determine information system requirements throughout an organization.
Prepare detailed ERD diagram for the given i) Milk dairy and ii) Quikfix Electronics case studies (See the case study from the resource folder).
Report 1.4 (Journal articles review)
EA and Big data:
Read the journal article by Brain H. Cameron from the resource folder …. The Need for Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise-Wide Big Data. Consider the following questions:
• What are the root causes behind the failure of big data projects?
• How Enterprise Architecture can support successful big data project implementation?
EA and Cloud computing:
Read the conference article from the resource folder by L. Aureli…Enterprise Architectures for Cloud Computing. Consider the following question:
• Identify the important recommendations deal with application security and encryption.
Report Presentation Style and Writing
Consolidate and compile all your previous efforts from Report 1.1 to 1.4 into a DOC or DOCX report. You should attempt at your best to reflect this quality in the preparation of the report.
All diagrams and figures should be embedded as part of the report.
The format of your report should be as follows: A4 size paper, 2.5cm margins on all sides, single-sided, Time Romans or New Time Romans font, 12pt font size, DOC or DOCX format.
What to Submit
Submit one DOC or DOCX file to the OLS course site online submission portal for this course. Submit this file with Portfolio.
Please name this file as Your ID_Report.DOC or Your ID_ Report.DOCX.
Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 80% and will be weighted 40% of the total unit mark
Marking Criteria Not satisfactory
(0-49%) of the
criterion mark) Satisfactory
(50-64%) of the criterion mark Good
(65-74%) of the criterion mark Very Good
(75-84%) of the criterion mark Excellent
(85-100%) of the criterion mark
Case Study (15marks) Not identifying the problems, provided solution is very weak, poorly examine the Zachman framework Problems are identified very briefly, provided solution is acceptable but details missing, briefly examine the Zachman framework Most of the problems are identified, provide good solutions, examine the Zachman framework but major points are missing All the problems are identified, provides very good solutions, examines the Zachman Framework
clearly All the problems are clearly identified, provided excellent solutions and examines Zachman Framework very
Frameworks for
(25 marks) Process is not identified properly, Comparison is
presented very briefly, Poorly examine the relation of EA and SOA Process is identified but details missing,
comparison presented briefly, very briefly examine the relation of EA and SOA Process is identified adequately, comparison presented
in detail, briefly examine the relation of EA and SOA Shows sound knowledge on process identification, comparison presented
in detail,
comprehensively examine the relation of EA and SOA Shows full knowledge on process
identification, comparison presented in detail, very comprehensively examine the relation of EA and SOA
ERD Diagram (15 marks) Very poor design, most of the entities and attributes are not identified properly, missing identifier, and relationship name. Provide wrong cardinality. Adequate design, most of the entities and attributes are identified properly, but missing identifier, and relationship name. Provide wrong cardinality. More than adequate design, most of the entities and attributes are identified properly, but missing identifier, and relationship name. Provided cardinality but few are incorrect. comprehensive design, most of the entities and attributes are identified properly, shows identifier, and relationship name. Provide correct cardinality. comprehensive
design, all of the entities and attributes are identified properly, shows full understanding of
identifier, relationship name and cardinalities.
Journal articles
review (20 marks) Very poorly identified the causes behind the failure of big data projects, inadequately presented how EA support the big data project, inadequately identify the recommendation.
Adequately identified the causes behind the failure of big data projects, adequately presented how EA support the big data project, adequately identify the recommendation.
More than adequately identified the causes behind the failure of
big data projects, presented how EA support the big data project, and identify the recommendation.
Comprehensively identified the causes behind the failure of
big data projects, presented how EA support the big data
project, and identify the recommendation Comprehensively and
with full understanding identified the causes behind the failure of big data projects, presented how EA support the big data project, and identify the recommendation
Report Presentation
Style and Writing
(5 marks)
Work generally does not follow the required professional report format. Many departures from the required professional report format. Report format is generally consistent throughout including heading styles, fonts, margins, white space, etc. Report format is at least 80% consistent throughout including heading styles, fonts, margins, white space, etc. Report format is consistent throughout including heading styles, fonts, margins, white space, etc.

Assessment DetailsThis assessment is designed to assess develop your skills in Enterprise Architecture (EA). You are required to develop knowledge on EA methodology, EA Framework, data model and emerging EA. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to know major widely accepted Enterprise Architecture (EA) domains, layers, frameworks and governance, which will help in achieving ULO-1,

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