Assessment Task 2 – Portfolio of evidence 5 Organisation’s background 5

Assessment Task 2 – Portfolio of evidence 5 Organisation’s background 5.

Assessment 3
Student details and declaration 3
Assessment Schedule 4
Assessment Task 2 – Portfolio of evidence 5
Organisation’s background 5
Evidence 1 – Business Case 6
Evidence 2 – Presentation: the business case 7
Evidence 3 – Desired future state 9
Evidence 4 – Program execution approach 11
Evidence 5 – Program governance 14
Overall Result (Assessor to complete) 16
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You should read this document in conjunction with the Student Learning and Assessment Guide.
To be deemed competent in this unit, you are required to satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks and their components.
? Please complete your student details (Student name and student number)
? Please take note of the declaration of authenticity
? Please read the instructions and requirements of each assessment task carefully.
? Ask your trainer and assessor for assistance, if needed, and carefully review the learning material.
? Some help text is provided in this document to guide you in the completion of the assessment.
? Please remove the help text in your final submission.
The units of competency PSPMGT006 Develop a business case and BSBPMG610 Enable program execution are grouped for delivery and clustered for assessment.
Below you will find the assessment tasks designed to address the performance criteria, the performance evidence and the knowledge evidence for both units.
An assessment preparation and completion schedule has been developed to guide you in completing all assessment tasks by due date in the 6 weeks those two units are delivered.
Student details and declaration
Student Name Student ID
Declaration of authenticity
I, the above-named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment (and any additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, I have not plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been submitted for assessment.
I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to RTO Name ’s Policies and Procedures.
Assessment Schedule
The schedule below is a recommended schedule to complete your assessments for this cluster.
Week Task 1 Task 2
1 Question: 1,2,4,6,7,9 Evidence 1: Start on constructing the business case (choice of organisation and analysis). Point 2 and 3.
2 Question:5,4 Evidence 1: Keep working on completion of business case. Point 4,5,6
3 Question: 8, 10 Evidence 1: Business case to be completed
Evidence 2: Prepare business case presentation
Evidence 3: Define desired future state based on business analysis
4 Question: Evidence 2: Present business case and apply feedback received.
Evidence 3: Meet with trainer to discuss the definition of the desired future state
Finalise evidence 1,2,3
Evidence 4: Start working on the program definition document
5 Question: 11 Evidence 4: Finalise publish of evidence 4
Evidence 5: Start working on evidence 5
Evidence 6: Start working on evidence 6
6 Finalise evidence 4,5,6
The summative assessments are due on the Sunday of week 6 of delivery.
Assessment Task 2 – Portfolio of evidence
This assessment task is a portfolio of evidence.
You are required to:
• Investigate and diagnose a business problem or opportunity
• Develop alternative business solutions
• Develop a business case
• Present a business case
• Define a desired future state for the sponsoring organisation seeking feedback from a key stakeholder in the company
• Develop a program definition document (program charter)
• Develop a program governance model for the program
• Address a case study
To work on the portfolio of evidence, you can work on either of the following scenarios:
• Scenario 1: Choose an organization and industry that you are familiar with. You could choose, for example, an organization you worked or you work with.
• Scenario 2: Select an organisation listed in the Australian stock exchange or an organisation you can find extensive information about.
Ask your trainer and assessor for guidance in your choice of organisation.
Organisation’s background
Provide a brief description of your organisation of choice, including the industry in which they operate and the service/product that they offer.
Evidence 1 – Business Case
You are required to:
• Research a business case
• Examine business solutions
• Construct a business case
A business case template is provided to construct your business case, please see word file ‘Business Case’.
• Complete the business case document and submit it as an additional attachment.
• Some help text (highlighted in grey) is provided in the business case template to guide you in its completion. Make sure to address what the help text requires you to do and to delete the help text before you submit. Include your full name and student ID in the footer of the document.
• Please note, where you find: ‘ … , you have to insert information relevant to your individual business case.
• Please note: you will be required to present your business case (Evidence 2). During your presentation, you might receive feedback from the audience (your trainer and your classmates who will play the role of stakeholders) that will lead to apply changed to your business case before you submit your document. Use the Version control of the Business Case document to record the changes that have been made based on the feedback received.
• Follow and address each section and task of this assessment document.
Your trainer and assessor will provide you with ongoing feedback and guidance as you prepare your business case playing the role of a key stakeholder in your organisation of choice.
*Overall result Evidence 1: S 0 NYS 0
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor
*Trainer and Assessor to complete
Evidence 2 – Presentation: the business case
You are required to:
• Prepare a presentation of your business case
• Present your business case to your trainer and assessor and the rest of the class
• Collect feedback on the business case
• Apply the feedback collected to your business case prior to submission
Some help text (highlighted in grey) is provided to guide you. Make sure to address what the help text requires you to do and to delete the help text before you submit
1. Prepare a power point presentation to address the key points of your business case report.
Your presentation should:
• Highlight key information about your business case
• Aim to gain support from pertinent stakeholders
• Be informative and incisive
• Long enough to be delivered in max 15 minutes
Submit your power point as an additional attachment. Call the file ‘Business Case Presentation_Evidence 2’.
Note: prepare enough copies of your business case report that can be shared by the audience. Provide the audience with a copy of your report before you start your presentation.
2. Present your business case.
You will be allowed 30 minutes for your presentation: 15 minutes to present and 15 minutes to answer questions and gather feedback from the audience.
You should be prepared to:
• Negotiate key aspects of the business case (for example reach an agreement on how the business case will be monitored)
• Influence key stakeholders positively to gain their support
• Pre-empt possible objections and respond to objections from the audience
• Use active listening and questioning to liaise with the audience effectively
• Collect and consider feedback to apply changes to the business case
Please note that this is an assessable task and your trainer and assessor will complete an observation checklist to assess your performance. Please discuss with your trainer and assessor the criteria assessed in the observation checklist prior to your presentation.
3. Feedback received during the presentation. Do so in the form of notes.
Record your notes below and indicate if the business case was approved following the presentation.
4. Apply the changes required to the business case based on the feedback received during your presentation.
Record the changes that you have applied (from Version 1 to 2) in the Version Control table in the second page of your business case document.
*Overall result Evidence 2: S 0 NYS 0
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor
*Trainer and Assessor to complete
Evidence 3 – Desired future state
You are required to:
• Provide an analysis of the internal and external business context
• Define a description of the desired future state
• Present the description of the desired future state to a stakeholder and seek agreement on the description
• Develop a strategy and processes to monitor and evaluate the internal and external program context for circumstances that may require changes to the desired future state
Some help text (highlighted in grey) is provided to guide you in the completion of this task. Make sure to address what the help text requires you to do and to delete the help text before you submit.
1. Business analysis – internal and external context
You have undertaken this analysis in evidence 1 when developing the business case, provide a summary of the analysis below.
2. Desired future state
Address the following:
• Following the business analysis, describe what method was used to define the desired future state (method to construct future state scenario) and why
• Define a description of the desired future state based on your business context analysis.
3. Agreement on desired future state
Undertake the following tasks:
• Present the description of the desired future state to your trainer and assessor who will play the role of a key stakeholder in the sponsoring organisation for approval. This is an assessable task and your trainer and assessor will document your meeting by completing an observation checklist. Please discuss with your trainer and assessor the criteria assessed in the observation checklist prior to discussing your desired future state description for the organisation.
• Consider the feedback received in the meeting and apply any change based on the feedback received. Provide a revised version of the desired future state for the organisation following the meeting with your trainer and assessor below.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Address the following:
• Develop and describe a recommended strategy and processes to monitor and evaluate the internal and external program contexts for circumstances that may require changes to the desired future state.
• Develop and describe a recommended process to apply changes to the desired future state
• Develop a recommended schedule to periodically review the desired future state to confirm or update it to maintain alignment with the expected benefits
*Overall result Evidence 3: S 0 NYS 0
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor
*Trainer and Assessor to complete
Evidence 4 – Program execution approach
You are required to:
• Undertake a gap analysis between the current state and the desired future state of the organisation
• Seek agreement on the changes needed to move from the current state to the desired future state with pertinent stakeholders
• Develop a program definition document and seek approval from pertinent stakeholders
• Develop a strategy and processes to monitor and evaluate the internal and external program context for circumstances that may require changes to the program definition document
Some help text (highlighted in grey) is provided to guide you in the completion of this task. Make sure to address what the help text requires you to do and to delete the help text before you submit.
1. Gap Analysis
Address the following:
• Undertake a gap analysis to assess gaps between the current state and the desired future state. Identify and describe the changes needed to address the gaps between the current state and the desired future state.
Use the table below to record your analysis. Add additional rows if necessary.
• Add an introductory paragraph to describe which stakeholders were involved in the gap analysis and how they were involved (example: focus group). (Min. 70- words).
Current state Future state Gaps Changes

2. Program definition document
Develop a high-level program definition document to define the program execution approach based on the changes needed to move from the current state to desired future state. Use the template provided below.
Program Definition Document
Purpose of the program definition document (program charter).
Program vision
Develop a statement that defines the vision for the program including the benefits that will bring to the organisation.
Justification and benefits
Based on your business case:
• Describe what are the key objectives of the programs that support the achievement of the desired future state. The key objectives should be measurable.
• Describe what benefits the program will realise for the sponsoring organisation
• Describe how the program objectives are a strategic fit for the organisation (support to organisational objectives and/or support of other strategic initiatives in the organisation).
Scope Describe the scope of the program (what is include and what is excluded).
Program components
List and describe the program components (projects and other components).
Constraints and Assumptions
List and describe the key constraints and assumptions that have been identified at this stage (make sure to differentiate clearly between assumptions and constraints in this section).
Known risks and issues
List and describe any known risks and issues at this stage.
Develop a high-level schedule for the program and milestones known at this stage.
Resource requirements
Provide a list of the physical and human resources (with associated estimated costs) required for the program.
Stakeholder considerations
Address the following:
• List and describe any concern regarding stakeholders who have influence on the program and require effective engagement
• For each concern that you have listed, develop a high-level strategy on how the stakeholders can be better engaged (example: communication strategy)
List the name of the key stakeholders who will approve the program definition document.
3. Feedback and approvals
While you work on the gap analysis and the program definition document, seek progressive feedback from your trainer and assessor who will play the role of a key stakeholder in the sponsoring organisation.
Make sure to organise short catch ups with your trainer and assessor and seek:
• Feedback and agreement on the gaps identified between the current and the desired future state
• Feedback and agreement on changes needed to move from the current state and the desire future state
• Feedback and agreement on the program execution approach (program definition document)
This is an assessable task and your trainer and assessor will document your meetings by completing an observation checklist. Please discuss with your trainer and assessor the criteria assessed in the observation checklist prior to starting meeting to discuss your work on the gap analysis, the changes needed and the program definition document.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Address all the following:
• Develop and describe a recommended strategy and processes to monitor and evaluate the internal and external program contexts for circumstances that may require changes to the program execution approach (program definition document).
• Develop and describe a recommended process to apply changes to the program definition document
• Develop a recommended schedule to periodically review the program definition document to confirm or update it to maintain alignment with the expected benefits
*Overall result Evidence 4: S 0 NYS 0
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor
*Trainer and Assessor to complete
Evidence 5 – Program governance
You are required to:
• Develop a program governance approach
• Identify, and develop one, policies that would support the management of the program and communication with pertinent stakeholders
Some help text (highlighted in grey) is provided to guide you in the completion of this task. Make sure to address what the help text requires you to do and to delete the help text before you submit.
1. Program governance
Address all the following (Min. 100 words in total):
• Describe how the program organisation with the sponsoring organisation has been defined;
• Describe the process to maintain and refresh the program organisation
• Create a program governance model (develop and add a chart)
• Describe how program governance will work in synergy with the sponsoring organisation
2. Policies, processes and procedures
Address all the following:
• Identify, list and describe what policies, process and procedures will support the management of the program and communication with pertinent stakeholders
• Develop one of the policies you have identified above (high level) and submit it as an additional file. Name the file ‘Policy_Evidence5’.
*Overall result Evidence 5: S 0 NYS 0
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor
*Trainer and Assessor to complete
Evidence 6 – Case Study
This assessment task presents you with a scenario that needs addressing.
Consider that the following scenario.
It has been 6 months since you started managing the program.
The following occurred:
A. The Australian currency value has dropped
B. A change in government occurred
C. One of your projects (specify which one) is heavily behind schedule
D. One of your key suppliers has increased prices by 10%
E. Your strongest competitor has just launched a successful product/service/business model that will decrease your market share considerably
F. The sponsoring organisation has just appointed a new CEO/Managing Director that decides to discontinue the project that is behind schedule
Outline how this change in circumstances would affect your program and what changes will be needed for the desired future state, the business case and the program definition document to maintain alignment with expected benefits.
Address all the following:
1. Assess and describe the impact that each one of the circumstances (described in the scenario above) would have on your program.
2. Identify, describe and evaluate what changes may be needed to the desired future state, the business case and the program definition document
*Overall result Evidence 6: S 0 NYS 0
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor
*Trainer and Assessor to complete
Overall Result (Assessor to complete)
Optional Additional Feedback:
Unit of Competency Outcome
PSPMGT006 Develop a business case
C 0 NYC 0
Related Assessment Tasks:
Task 1 – questions: 1-7 S 0 NYS 0
Task 2 –
Evidence: 1 – S 0 NYS 0
Evidence: 2 – S 0 NYS 0

BSBPMG610 Enable program execution
C 0 NYC 0
Related Assessment Tasks:
Task 1 – questions: 8-11 S 0 NYS 0
Task 2 –
Evidence: 1 – S 0 NYS 0
Evidence: 2 – S 0 NYS 0
Evidence: 3 – S 0 NYS 0
Evidence: 4 – S 0 NYS 0
Evidence: 5 – S 0 NYS 0
Evidence: 6 – S 0 NYS 0

Competent (C) Not Yet Competent (NYC)
Trainer and Assessor Name and signature:
*Trainer and Assessor to complete

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Assessment Task 2 – Portfolio of evidence 5 Organisation’s background 5

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