Briefly describe any changes you would make to your presentation based on: (i) the feedback you received

Briefly describe any changes you would make to your presentation based on: (i) the feedback you received.

s question.
(a) By the end of Block 4 Part 3, you should have provided comments in
ShareSpace on the presentations of at least two fellow students, in order
to give them constructive feedback. Paste a copy of your feedback
comments on two of those presentations into your TMA. They must be
comments you consider to be helpful in identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of the presentations in question. In each case, state the
name of the student to whom you gave the feedback and the date when
you supplied it, and provide a link to the page that shows the feedback.
(8 marks)
(b) Give a brief summary of the feedback you received from other students
on your own presentation, including the strengths and weaknesses they
mentioned. Explain why you agree or disagree with this feedback.
Briefly describe any changes you would make to your presentation,
based on:
(i) the feedback you received
(ii) one or two ideas you had from looking at other students
(8 marks)
(c) In Parts 3 and 5 of Block 4, you used various tools for asynchronous
and synchronous communication to discuss the presentations you and
your fellow students created in Part 1. As part of the block, you also
studied concepts relating to online communication.
Write a short account of your experience of using asynchronous
communication to provide feedback to other students on their
presentations and to receive feedback on your own presentation.
Describe how you used ShareSpace (an asynchronous tool) and how
you might have used synchronous tools such as OU Live.
As part of your account, refer to at least two of the following concepts
which were introduced in this block.
Community of practice
Critical mass
Social presence
(14 marks)
The maximum word limit for Question 2 is 700 words.
TMA 05
Question 3 (20 marks)
Scientists monitor the advance signs of mudslides by embedding motion
detection sensors in the ground. Increasingly large ground movement levels
may indicate that a mudslide is imminent.
You are going to create part of a prototype for a computer program to
monitor ground movement levels in a mudslide zone. The position of the
slider will represent the level of the current ground movement: so a large
slider value will correspond to a large ground movement and a small slider
value will correspond to a small ground movement. Each reading of the
ground movement level (slider value) will be compared with the previous: if
it is the same, a circle will be displayed on the Stage; if it is smaller, a
downward-pointing arrow will be displayed on the Stage; if it is bigger, an
upward-pointing arrow will be displayed on the Stage. Each reading along
with the number of readings taken so far will be written to a text file for
later analysis.
In parts (a) and (b) of this question you will complete a single script. The
script in part (c) will control the execution of the preceding scripts by
sending appropriate broadcast messages. You do not need to consider how
the scripts will interact until you come to part (c). (The scripts for parts (a)
and (c) have been partially created for you.)
With your SenseBoard connected, open the Sense file TU100_TMA05_Q3.
sb which is available from the Supporting files area of the ‘Assessment
resources page on the TU100 website. Make sure that the SenseBoard is
detected (select show SenseBoard watcher from the Extras menu).
Notice that we have created three variables which you will use:
. currentMovementLevel to hold the reading of the current movement
level (the current slider value)
. previousMovementLevel to hold the reading of the previous
movement level (the previous slider value)
. readingNumber to hold the number of readings of movement levels
(slider values) obtained so far.

Briefly describe any changes you would make to your presentation based on: (i) the feedback you received

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