Briefly differentiate between atypical and typical anti psychotic

Briefly differentiate between atypical and typical anti psychotic.

Identify two major Community Practice Nursing Interventions (CPNI) and highlight how the nurse would use these to facilitate improved health and wellbeing outcomes

Online post 1 & 2

priate referencing for this assignment.

Assessment Task 1: Online case study

Start by watching the case study of Belinda (attached) and answer the
following questions:
Q.1 Identify two major Community Practice Nursing Interventions (CPNI) and highlight how the nurse would use these to facilitate improved health and wellbeing outcomes

for Belinda (250- 300 words)

Q. 2 Draw on your responses and those of the group from posting one to further discuss and explore your next question: “Belinda has been given antipsychotic

medication. Briefly differentiate between atypical and typical anti psychotic medication in terms of symptom management and side effect profile”(250-300 words)

You are required to participate in an online case study that runs in weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the semester. The Case Study is 4 weeks in duration. You will be required

to post once per week into your allocated group. In responding to the case study, you must bring in understandings gained from directed reading and your own research

of the topics. There is an expectation that you will read postings, research and engage with other members of your online groups during weeks 4 and 5.
Postings need to be submitted by 2300hrs on the identified due dates.

Marking Criteria
Applies sound understanding of key concepts from the readings to the required tasks
Engages with the literature, supporting academic writing
Writes in a succinct, clear, academic style with correct spelling, grammar and Harvard referencing
Participates actively – engages constructively with the views of others and gives informed feedback

Briefly differentiate between atypical and typical anti psychotic

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