Calculate the activity of silicon in the same alloy, but relative to the Henrian

Calculate the activity of silicon in the same alloy, but relative to the Henrian.

1. The activity of silicon in a binary Fe-Si Iiquid alloy containing Ns, = 0.02 is 0.000022 at 1,600″C relative to the Raoultian standard state. The Henrian activity coefficient ygi is experimentally determined to be 0.001 1.

1) Calculate the activity of silicon in the same alloy, but relative to the Henrian

2) Calculate the change of the standard molar free energy of silicon for the change

3) Calculate the activity of silicon relative to the 1 wt% standard state. The standard state. of the standard state from Raoultian to Henrian. molecular weights of Fe and Si are 55.85 and 28.09, respectively.

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Calculate the activity of silicon in the same alloy, but relative to the Henrian

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