Calculate the heat of reaction AHyO of the reaction 3MnO(s) + 302(g) = Mn304(s) Assume that AH,” is independent of T.

Calculate the heat of reaction AHyO of the reaction 3MnO(s) + 302(g) = Mn304(s) Assume that AH,” is independent of T..

1.The equilibrium constant for the ammonia synthesis reaction is 775 at 25°C based on 1 atm ideal gas standard states. The enthalpy change associated with the reaction, or simply the heat of reaction, AH,”, is -45.9kJ. Assuming that AH,” is independent of temperature, estimate the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 45°C.

2.Equilibrium of the system containing MnO(s), h4n304(s) and O&) was examined. Both MnO and Mn304 were pure and stable states. It was found that equilibrium partial pressures of oxygen were PO, = 1.4xlO”atm at l,OOO°C PO, = 2.8~1O-~atm at l,lOO°C Calculate the heat of reaction AHyO of the reaction 3MnO(s) + 302(g) = Mn304(s) Assume that AH,” is independent of T.

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Calculate the heat of reaction AHyO of the reaction 3MnO(s) + 302(g) = Mn304(s) Assume that AH,” is independent of T.

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