Capella Intake Clinical Assessment and Ethical Documentation Essay

Capella Intake Clinical Assessment and Ethical Documentation Essay.

Capella Intake Clinical Assessment and Ethical Documentation Essay

Review the Capella multimedia Counseling Center Client Intake. Explore the intake of the five cases that are presented. Choose one of the five cases for this assignment that you will bring forward into the Unit 6 assignment (Markus, Katia, Rameen, Evan, or Roberta). Use the Intake form from the Counseling Center Client Intake media and submit it along with your written assignment.

You may use the Intake, Clinical Assessment, and Ethical Documentation Template (given in the resources) to structure your paper.

In this assignment, you will focus primarily on the introduction, opening, and beginning phases of a session that leads into the body of session where the assessment process begins.

In your paper:

  • Include a summary of the selected case scenario, including an explanation of the presenting issues. (This scenario will be used in this assignment as well as in the Unit 6 assignment.)
  • Provide an overview of the required tasks that must be accomplished in the introduction, opening, and body of a session, drawing from your Clinical Interviewing text.
  • Explore the ethical, legal, and cultural considerations in this phase of treatment, along with strategies used to accomplish these tasks. Incorporate the ACA code of ethics, applicable laws, and at least one academic research journal to consider in this case.
  • Complete the Intake form for your selected client, if you have not already done so for the Unit 3 assignment, using the Counseling Center Client Intake media piece. Using the information from the completed intake, select and apply two assessments tools (one suicide assessment and one other assessment) that are appropriate for the case scenario. Provide a rationale for your choices.
  • Document how you would discuss the importance of these assessments with your client, including your rationale for use as drawn from the intake, supporting with evidence from the literature.
  • Explore your ability to use interviewer tasks, skills, and consideration of assessments during this phase of the treatment process.
    • How do you believe you can accomplish the intake tasks?
    • How might you effectively work with this client? What strategies might you use?
    • What challenges did you encounter while working through this activity?

Submit your assignment and the completed Intake form in PDF format to the instructor in the assignment area.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and is characterized by correct grammatical usage and mechanical elements of scholarly writing. Present assignments in a narrative, paragraph format. You may include subheadings, but incorporate transitional phrases to link sections.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Scholarly publication: When applicable, required scholarly research articles should be current (no more than five years old).
  • Page length: 5–7 pages, not including the title and references pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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Capella Intake Clinical Assessment and Ethical Documentation Essay

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