How to write a research paper

Write a research paper; a research paper is academic writing that provides a comprehensive analysis and clear interpretations and makes claims based on relevant in-depth independent research. Writing a research paper requires an individual to showcase a thorough understanding of the topic, engage various academic and relevant sources, and provide relevant and ample contributions to the existing debate. Because of this, creates time online to provide detailed guides on writing a research paper.

How to write a research paper
How to write a research paper

Guide on How to write a research paper

You’ll need to have a suitable plan to make sure it’s clear, and easy flow of thoughts and keep the submission deadline in mind.

The following are the critical steps you must keep in mind:

  • Comprehend the assignment
  • Select a research paper topic
  • Carry out research
  • Have a thesis statement
  • Develop a research paper outline
  • Write a first draft
  • The introduction
  • Write a body
  • Write the conclusion
  • The conclusion
  • Write the second draft
  • Revision-editing and proofreading

Ø  Comprehend The Assignment

For a research paper to be successful, one has to finish the precise tasks set out by the academic instructor. Before you commence the whole writing process, ensure that you comprehensively understand the report task sheet:

  • Read the instructions carefully and identify any confusing words requiring clarification from the professor.
  • Identify the goal, deadline, and specifications on length, format, and assignment submission mode.
  • Note all your key points in bullets, and mark all the points you have worked on before writing.

Always have the time frame and the word limit in the back of your head. Be as realistic as possible.

Ø  Select a Research paper Topic

There are several ways to generate the best ideas for your research paper. This can be from discussing with a professor or fellow student to brainstorming with pen and paper. Also, you can attempt free writing. Free writing entails selecting a topic with a wide scope and continuously writing for two to three minutes as you identify any relevant and interesting information. Additionally, you can draw inspiration from conducting research. A research paper’s recommendations or discussion section entails making references from scholarly sources on specific topics or subjects.

Ø  Carry Out Research

Highlight any key discussions to the report topic, and try to find any relevance to the paper. Use several sources, reliable and approved academic websites, books, to ensure you capture all relevant information. Moreover, do not only rely on ideas you have in mind, but also look for some sources that contrast your perspective.

  • Are there debates that you can address?
  • Do you have any special ideas on the same?
  • Are there current happenings around the topic?

Embrace creativity and answer all questions that pop up during the research as adv

Ø  Have a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement provides the basis of your argument as it establishes the position and purpose of your paper. Your thesis statement should answer your research question. Additionally, it should show the reasoning and evidence you will use to support claims and answers. Lastly, your thesis statement should be short and precise.

Ø  Develop a Research paper Outline

A research paper outline is a list of critical topics, claims, and evidence you will use in the report, divided into parts with headings to roughly tell what the research paper will look like before the writing process. Having a suitable structure can help make the writing process efficient and helps in managing time.

Ø  Write a First Draft

The first drafts of the research paper are always flawed since you need to polish the whole work once you are done writing. The key priorities of the first draft include:

  • Ensuring a forward momentum entails writing at the moment while making final touches to ensure perfection later.
  • Ensure the work is organized logically to ensure the flow of thoughts, sentences, and paragraphs.
  • Clear and comprehensively express your ideas. Having clear ideas makes it easy to know what you are talking about when doing your final draft.

At this point, do not delete the various large sections of text. Keep all ideas and write them all down.

Ø  The Introduction

Your research paper’s introduction should address three key questions: why, what, and how? As soon as you are done writing the introduction, the readers should tell what the research is about, why the paper is worth reading, and how you will establish your arguments and claims. Be precise on the topic of the research paper, clearly introduce the background, and define all the key concepts or terms.

Ø  Write a Body

Most students find it challenging organizing information presented in the research paper; thus, an outline is key. One of the major ways you can stay on track is the use the thesis stamen and topic sentence. Always check the topic sentences against the thesis statement, check the sentences against each other for logical ordering and similarities, and lastly, check every sentence against the topic sentence of the same paragraph.

Ø  The Conclusion

The conclusion of your research paper is meant to help the readers out of the paper’s argument by providing them with a sense of finality. Summarize your key points while linking them to your thesis statement. Afterwards, write the second draft of the paper as you ensure there is correct grammar. Lastly, proofread the whole document to ensure coherence before submitting the paper for grading.

Contact us at top grade essay writings for more details on how to write a research paper and related articles.

How To Write an Argumentative Essay

How To Write an Argumentative Essay

How To Write an Argumentative Essay, It takes more than an opinion to make a point and be heard, just like when writing an argumentative essay. Failure to have a suitable structure and proper reinforcement of your points will make the most significant point not compelling enough without concrete reasoning and evidence. So, you’ll need to learn the vital elements of an argumentative essay.

How To Write an Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay

For this reason, our team of professionals here at makes sure that we spend as much time online, to ensure that we provide you with the best solutions on how to write an argumentative essay. However, I would like to point out that structuring your argumentative essay entirely depends on your audience. Therefore, we pride ourselves on offering the best argumentative essay writing services at affordable rates.

Tips on How to Start an Argumentative Essay

How you start your argument is critical in an argumentative essay. It is for this reason that Top Grade Essay Writings experts obligate to provide students with reliable argumentative essay writing services all the time at affordable rates.

Thus, Top Grade Essay Writings presents to you these two vital steps on how to write a relevant thesis statement for an argumentative essay:

  • First, it is important to note that your thesis statement should be one sentence and to the point. The thesis statement is the most important part of your entire argumentative essay.
  • Secondly, the thesis statement must appear in your introductory paragraph, bearing a summary of what your argumentative essay is all about as it prepares the readers for what is yet to come.

Argumentative Essay

Are you wondering, what is an argumentative essay? An argumentative essay is writing that takes a stance on a topic. An exceptional argumentative essay entails the writer making attempts to convince their readers to understand and back their standpoint on a subject. They do this by clearly detailing their perceptive and giving concrete evidence to back up their claims. Correspondingly, it is vital to note that argumentative essays are common in high schools and colleges.

How To Write an Argumentative Essay?

The following steps will help you put across your points concisely and clearly as you start your argumentative essay.

  1. Make the topic a question and provide an answer.
  2. State and then counter an argument.
  3. Briefly state your key points.

It is essential to remember that argumentative essays should have a straightforward structure to help the readers follow. The key objective of an argumentative essay is to outline a perspective, reasoning, and provide significant evidence. Therefore, a good and inclusive argumentative essay should have the following structure:

  1. An introductory paragraph – this should be elaborate to keep the reader interested in getting and appreciating your point of view
  2. A thesis statement
  3. The body paragraphs
  4. A conclusion

ü  An Introductory Paragraph

An introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of your essay, and it should clearly outline your topic. Moreover, the preceding paragraph should entail background information relevant to make your argument clear and easy to understand. To conclude, showcase the evidence you will present and state the thesis statement.

ü  The Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a section of your first paragraph. It is a one-sentence, precise summary of your crucial point and argument. A good thesis statement is an essential part of any thesis or essay. Your essay or any writing without a positive thesis statement will never make sense. The thesis statement provides the foundation on which your paper will be judged and assessed.

ü  The Body Paragraphs

Usually, a basic argumentative essay has three or more paragraphs. These paragraphs elaborate and provide explanations for why you support your thesis. Ensuring that each section presents a sole idea and substantial evidence is advisable. Most importantly, the paragraphs should have a concise topic sentence and elaborate on why the readers should agree with your perspective.

In the body paragraphs, you back your claims up using statistics, research, examples, text citations, and studies. Address all your opposing points and explain why you disagree with them simultaneously. It is good to remember that facts presentation and topic consideration from every point of view makes your essay more credible and helps you gain your readers’ trust.

ü  A Conclusion

The conclusion should be one paragraph that emphasizes the thesis statement and should summarize all your claims in the body paragraphs. Besides adding more arguments or introducing new facts, a good and well-written conclusion should appeal to the emotions of the readers. Sometimes, writers use personal narratives to explain how the topic impacts them on a personal level.

Are you in need of argumentative essay writing services? Reach out to us. We will ensure that we provide you with a customized argumentative essay to suit your subject. There are various dimensions of argumentative essays. Here at Top Grade Essay Writings, we have experts ready to help you. It is our joy to help you whenever you reach out to us.

If you wonder whether professionals offer argumentative essay writing services, Top Grade Essay Writings is here for you. We provide custom argumentative essay writing services. Save time, get the time to participate in other activities, and have a professional write your essay. We are here for you. We are available 24/7 to help you walk your academic journey.

How To Write a Nursing Essay

How To Write a Nursing Essay

How To Write a Nursing Essay, Numerous nursing essays for admission are submitted to various admissions offices annually in different institutions of higher learning worldwide. There are many students from different parts of the world, hoping that they get a chance at their top universities to pursue a nursing course. Therefore, such applications become very competitive. As a result, one can find it a considerable challenge to get a chance.

Nursing essays for admission can be challenging, especially in the most competitive colleges and universities. Hence,, with the team of professional nursing essay writers dedicate their time online to provide aspiring nursing students with nursing essays for admission online.

How To Write a Nursing Essay
How To Write a Nursing Essay

Top Grade Essay Writings provides various academic writing services to students yet to join institutions of higher learning and those already taking on their studies. For samples such as college and nursing admission essay examples about yourself and a college application essay, visit Likewise, our team of professionals includes graduate school essay writers. The team aims to provide college admission essay help and nursing essays for admission.

How To Write Nursing Essays for Admission – Format

To have an outstanding nursing admission essay outline, it is critical to understand your admission essay format.

An admission essay outline has the following three key segments.

  • An Introduction
  • A Body
  • A Conclusion

Avoid using quotes and clichés in the introduction of your essay. Remember, this is your essay; so, use your own words. Always be keen and particular, and ensure every paragraph discusses and has comprehensive information on one central argument.

How do you Start a Nursing Essay for Admission?

The introduction is the initial segment of your essay. Nevertheless, the entire process of receiving an admission ought to begin before you write the introduction. Allocate enough time, develop an admission essay outline, and ensure you keep track of the deadlines.

Top Grade Essay Writings demonstrates, How To Write a Nursing Essay

Below is an admission essay outline on how to start a nursing essay for admission.

ü  The Prompt

Ensure that you accurately and carefully follow the prompts of the admission essay. You might write an outstanding essay but still have your application rejected if you fail to follow the instructions and adhere to the prompt. Examples of prompts are word count guidelines that should be between 400-500 words and the instructed format.

Carefully read all the instructions to get what they expect from you. Correspondingly, your key focus should be illustrating why you deserve admission. Furthermore, consider the following questions when writing your admission essay outline:

  • Why are you applying for that admission?
  • What makes you different?
  • Your aspirations and career objectives.
  • What are your goals?
  • What special contributions can you present in a precise field of study?

ü  The Topic

The essay submission format will guide you on whether or not to include a topic in your essay. First, there is a provision for a text box entry; all you must do is copy and paste the body of your admission essay, without the title. Secondly, if you are attaching your essay as a word document, including a title is optional. Still, the title usually is unnecessary unless there is a provision or an instruction to include a topic for your essay. However, a topic can be essential to provide the reader with more information before starting the essay.

Similarly, when you are required to include a topic, it is advisable to do the following:

  1. Write the entire essay, then create your title.
  2. Have enough time to think of a title before you write.

ü  The Hook

A hook is the essay’s opening statement, and its major objective is to capture the readers’ attention and make them want to read the entire essay. The hook is a vital section of your essay. Remember, the committee or board has dozens of essays to review. Thus, it is critical to make your paper catching and worth remembering. Hence, a strong, captivating, and powerful hook comes in handy. You should ensure you are as creative and original as possible.

ü  The Body

The body is the most extended section of your essay and should address all the questions the committee requires you to answer. Since the essay requires a discussion on admission essay sample about “why I deserve the admission,” mention your challenges, goals, and obstacles you have encountered in life.

Tips to help write the body of your essay, first, avoid generalizations, and secondly, ensure your statements agree with the interests of the organization providing you with the admission.

  • Follow and use a narrative structure.
  • Personalize the admission essay as much as possible
  • Create a comprehensive essay outline before you begin writing
  • Ensure you qualify, that is, ensure you meet the criteria required for every admission you apply for.
  • Avoid using quotes and clichés, be creative, and keep an open mind.
  • Do not be scared to market yourself.
  • Ensure that you obey all the prompts and instructions
  • Use real-life encounters to support your claims and arguments.
  • Keep your essay concise and straightforward.
  • Write eloquently and use transitional words between paragraphs.

Carefully go through your work again and make essential rectifications before submission. We, Topgradeessaywritings have a team of professional essay writers. We dedicate our time online to provide you with the best nursing essays for admission and other related academic essays. Never hesitate to contact us at Top Grade Essay Writings.

Interprofessional Multidisciplinary Care Teams And Staff In Chronic Disease Management

Interprofessional Multidisciplinary Care Teams And Staff In Chronic Disease Management, get online writing help at Top Grade Essay Writings

Interprofessional Multidisciplinary Care Teams And Staff In Chronic Disease Management

Interprofessional Multidisciplinary Care Teams And Staff In Chronic Disease Management

  • For this assignment, you will complete a presentation analyzing key goals of chronic disease management, stakeholders, and approaches to care.
  • You are focusing on the processes and NOT managing a specific chronic disease such as heart disease.

Chronic diseases–such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes–are placing a growing burden on the U.S. health care system.  In response, some health care organizations are instituting chronic disease management (CDM) programs to reduce the incidence of preventable hospitalizations and adverse events by more effectively and comprehensively managing the health of patients with chronic conditions. Many of these organizations are implementing health information technology (health IT) to facilitate their chronic disease management programs. Chronic disease management health IT applications may enable the re-distribution of patient management tasks to non-physician personnel. Many health IT solutions for chronic disease management are intended primarily for physician use. However, these systems also can be designed to engage other key members of the health care team in decision-making, such as nurses, case managers and other key healthcare professionals. Use the following information to create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Include the following information in your final presentation:

For this assignment, you will complete a presentation analyzing key goals of chronic disease management, stakeholders, and approaches to care.

  • You are looking at the process and not a particular disease.
  • Your assignment should not reflect the steps from managing a chronic disease such as heart disease. Focus on the process.

Include the following information in your presentation:

  1. Title Slide
    1. Follow APA 7th edition guidelines on the development of your title slide
  2. Introduction
    1. Introduce what the purpose of this presentation is, you can rephrase the assignment.
  3. Identify and explain the key goals of chronic disease management.
    1. List, briefly, the goals on the slide and then in the speaker’s notes define them how the goals interact with each other.  The focus is on chronic disease management models and not a specific condition.
  4. Explain what the driving forces behind chronic disease management programs.
    1. List at least 3 driving forces
    2. Why is there an emphasis on chronic disease management programs? Why do they exist?
  5. Explain the roles of health care team members in the management of chronic diseases, including clinical and non-clinical roles. 
    1. There should be at least five health care team member groups identified and described.
    2. Who are the players and what specific role do they have?
  6. Compare and contrast two models of chronic disease management and address their approach to the six essential elements of a chronic care model (in other words for each of the two models you must describe the six essential elements below). How are the two models similar? How are the two models different?
  • Self-management support
  • Delivery system design
  • Decision support
  • Clinical information systems
  • Organization of health care
  • Community

Examples of chronic disease models include (pick two to complete number 6):

  • Chronic Care model (CCM)
  • Stanford model (SM)
  • Community based Transition Model (CBTM)
  • Improving Chronic Illness Care (ICIC)
  • Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions (ICCC)
  1. Analyze the financial impact of a chronic disease management program.
    1. Provide content that evidences at least three points of financial impact from chronic disease management programs as a whole.
    2. What is the economic value of these models?
    3. Include specific dollar amounts and not general statements.
  2. Conclusion
    1. Restate your introduction showing how you completed the asks of the presentation.
  3. References
    1. Follow APA 7th edition requirements

Vital Organs / Unconscious State

Vital Organs / Unconscious State, get online help at Top Grade Essay Writings

Vital Organs / Unconscious State

Vital Organs / Unconscious State

After studying the course materials located on Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

  1. Name some very important organs that are not vital organs.
  2. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions.
  3. Is it possible to live without a vital organ? Why? Example?
  4. Distinction between assisting or substituting vital organs. Bioethical analysis.
  5. Do the following practices assist or substitute the vital organ? Why?
    • Dialysis
    • Respirator
    • Ventilator
    • Tracheotomy
    • CPR
  6. Read and summarize ERD PART FIVE Introduction.
  7. Unconscious state: Definition.
  8. Clinical definitions of different states of unconsciousness: Compare and contrast
  9. Benefit vs Burden: bioethical analysis.


Submission Instructions:

  • The submission is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
  • If references are used, please cite properly according to the current APA style.


Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)




Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, get homework help at Top Grade Essay Writings

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Initial Post

There are reports about how people are denied access to healthcare insurance based on genetic testing. This sparks concern and passion about how to advocate for your clients and families as a professional nurse. Review the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2010. In your initial post, describe a scenario where an individual with a genetic disorder could experience discrimination obtaining health insurance and employment.


Response Posts

Response Post 1: Reviewing the scenarios posted by classmates, describe how GINA is designed to protect individuals from discrimination when obtaining health insurance coverage.

Response Post 2: Apply how GINA is supposed to prevent discrimination in hiring or promotion.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s post by the end of the week. All posts require references AND in-text citations in full APA format. Information must be paraphrased and not quoted. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. NOTE: Finalized postings must be submitted by deadlines. Any edits after deadline will be counted as late submissions and deducted accordingly. If you need to make any corrections for clarity’s sake only, you can write an addendum as a reply to yourself. The initial post will still be the one receiving full grade.

Review attached rubric for full posting requirements. Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. GET PLAGIARISM FREE PAPERS HERE

Generalist Intervention Model

Generalist Intervention Model, get homework help at Top Grade Essay Writings

Generalist Intervention Model

Generalist Intervention Model

750 words


Read the following sections of the DSM-5-TR to develop insight on mood disorders and personality disorders:


Assignment Overview

In Unit 2, you developed a case study and basic information about a client. In this assignment, you will use evidence-based literature and the DSM-5-TR to effectively and appropriately diagnose a client. From there, you will use theory and the DSM-5-TR to effectively develop an intervention plan that is informed by best practices as identified in current literature. This assignment will prepare you for further work you will do in Unit 8 and Unit 10.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAS and specialized practices:

  • Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
  • Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
    • C7.SP.A: Apply critical thinking and decision making in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology when assessing colleagues, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 4. Cite peer-reviewed literature within the intervention plan.
        • 5. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for leaders of the social work profession through the use of technology.
    • C7.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when assessing individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 1. Describe a diagnosis appropriate for the client.
        • 4. Cite peer-reviewed literature within the intervention plan.
        • 5. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for leaders of the social work profession through the use of technology.
    • C7.SP.D: (Assess) Apply assessment instruments, leadership, technology, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills to identify problems, and assess and analyze capacities, strengths, and needs of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 1. Describe a diagnosis appropriate for the client.
  • Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities. 
    • C8.SP.A: Apply critical thinking and decision making in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology when intervening with colleagues, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 4. Cite peer-reviewed literature within the intervention plan.
        • 5. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for leaders of the social work profession through the use of technology.
    • C8.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when intervening with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 1. Describe a diagnosis appropriate for the client.
        • 4. Cite peer-reviewed literature within the intervention plan.
        • 5. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for leaders of the social work profession through the use of technology.
    • C8.SP.D: (Intervene) Apply leadership, technology, critical thinking, decision making, and interpersonal skills in the specialization of advanced generalist practice interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to achieve goals.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 2. Describe a therapy/intervention appropriate for a selected client.
        • 3. Describe an intervention based on theory for the client’s family and/or community.
  • Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

Generalist Intervention Model

Assignment Description

In this assignment, you expand upon the case you selected in Unit 2, including determining a diagnosis. You locate and select at least five recent (published within the past five years) peer-reviewed articles from the Capella University Library. You use these articles to justify your diagnosis and recommended interventions. In social work, it is important that we maintain the strengths-based perspective and consistently apply the generalist intervention model. This model allows us to view a client through the micro, mezzo, and macro setting.


Assignment Instructions

For this assignment:

  1. Describe a diagnosis appropriate for the client.
    • Consider all potentially fitting diagnoses, discuss the differential diagnoses, and discuss rule out diagnoses and why.
    • Justify the diagnosis with reference to specific DSM-5-TR criteria.
  2. Describe the therapy or intervention you would provide this client.
    • Apply theory to contextualize the appropriateness of your chosen therapy/intervention.
  3. Describe an intervention appropriate for the client’s family or community.
    • Justify the recommended intervention with reference to specific DSM-5-TR criteria.
  4. Cite peer-reviewed literature within the intervention plan.
    • Cite at least five peer-reviewed articles published in the past five years.
    • Describe the content of each cited work, specific to how each one supports the main or supporting points of the intervention plan.

Working With Women

Working With Women, get assignment help online at Top Grade Essay Writings

Working With Women

Working With Women

Use your Diversity, Oppression, and Social Functioning text to read the following:

  • Chapter 7, “Women and Sexist Oppression,” pages 90–106.

For this Discussion, your instructor has created a presentation that contextualizes practice with women. After you view the presentation, review the case study of Jean on pages 92–94 of your Diversity, Oppression, and Social Functioning text and consider the question “What do we mean by the oppression of women?” on page 102. Then use your post to discuss one or more of the following:


Working With Women

Jean is a twenty-seven year old half Korean and half American Caucasian woman. She is married to Tom, an American Caucasian, and the mother of three children: Brent, age six; Sarah, age four; and Tommy, age two. She recently sought counseling from a crisis service for battered women. Jean is depressed and withdrawn. She has a very small frame and reports that she has lost ten pounds in the past month. This weight loss, coupled with her flat affect, makes her appear quite ill. She denies any suicidal ideation, although she says that she doesn’t know how she will continue to take care of her children and Tom’s sick mother.

Jean’s husband, Tom, is given to bouts of heavy drinking and questionable drug use. He has violent episodes in which he alternately verbally and physically abuses her. He likes to bring his friends home after a drinking binge and make her serve them breakfast. He verbally abuses her in their presence, adding to her humiliation. During these episodes he calls her sexual names and tells her he wants to send her back to Korea and keep the children here.

Jean and Tom met and married seven years ago when he was in the army and stationed in Korea. They moved to the United States and settled near his family. Jean wanted to come to the United States to himself.

Jean reports to the counselor that the verbal and physical abuse is escalating and she often can’t sleep because she lies awake with fear. Jean sleeps with Sarah on the nights when Tom is angry and drunk. Jean asks the counselor what she is doing wrong to make Tom behave this way toward her.

Jean has a high-school diploma but little work experience. Tom went to computer school using the funds from his Army G.I. Bill. Jean always wanted to go to college, but worked during the first year of their marriage so Tom could get his degree. The children came quickly and there was no time for her to go to school. Now, when she and Tom discuss it, he tells her she isn’t smart enough and it’s not his place to watch the children. Her place is at home. Tom’s mother is very sick and Jean makes daily visits to her mother-in-law’s home. She feels it is her duty to care for her husband’s mother. Tom’s family often criticizes her mothering and lets her know that they wanted Tom to marry a Caucasian American. Jean feels very bad about herself, her mothering, and her place in the family. She blames herself for Tom’s drinking and possible drug involvement. She thinks she is causing him to abuse her. She has no family in this part of the country and feels that she doesn’t fit with the Korean community and isn’t really an American. She had one Korean friend whom she met at church, and with whom she discussed spiritual concerns. That friend recently moved away and Jean doesn’t feel comfortable discussing her beliefs with others. Therefore she has no one with whom to discuss her problems and feels culturally isolated. She feels completely dependent on Tom, who is getting more and more angry and drunk. In addition, he is missing so much time at work that his job is now in danger.

Working With Women


page 102

What Do We Mean by the Oppression of Women?

To be conscious of external oppressive forces is the beginning of a sense of empowerment. Bartky (1990) states, “feminist consciousness is a consciousness of victimization” (p. 15). This consciousness is a divided consciousness in two ways. First, it is an awareness of unjust treatment of women by the surrounding environment that enforces an often stifling and oppressive system of sex-role differentiation. Victimization is impartial, and occurs on a macro, societal level. The damage is done to each one of us personally and is felt at a familial and individual level. Understanding this sense of victimhood raises one’s level of consciousness, and, through this increased awareness, one can begin to release energy and begin a journey of personal growth. Second, women of different colors and classes are privileged in ways that are uneven.

Lacking a culture of our own, we adopt the culture of our men and therefore subscribe to a truncated definition of the self, which either conforms to cultural stereotyping or sets parts of us struggling against each other. This is true for Jean, who leads her life through rigid cultural and gender role stereotypes. Her (1) lack of education, (2) economic dependence, (3) cultural proscriptions, and (4) lack of cultural and social supports inhibit her from articulating and meeting her own needs.

Linnea GlenMaye (1998) describes three general conditions that all women share as a result of being subject to psychological and structural gender oppression: (1) profound alienation from the self, (2) the double-bind of either meeting one’s own needs or serving the needs of others, and (3) institutional and structural sexism (p. 31).

Closely tied to gender roles and economic status is a term that emerged in the national consciousness in the 1970s and remains true in the 2000s. The feminization of poverty posits that women are poor because of the effect of their traditional gender roles on their ability to accumulate economic resources. The traditional coverture (femme coverte or covered woman) common-law marriage contract reinforces patriarchal structure and is reinforced by many social and economic institutions. This preferred family form fosters the woman’s economic dependency in the family. If she is divorced, a teen mother, or over age sixty-five, she is likely to be living in poverty. Women earn less than men for the same work, their share of national income is less, and income is stratified by both ethnicity and gender with African American and Hispanic/Latina women at the bottom—women’s job status is lower than men’s. If married, they earn less than their husbands. If single and the head of a family, their family income is lower than that of comparable families headed by men (McBride Stetson, 1997, p. 333).



IRR vs NPV, get homework help at Top Grade Essay Writings



Interest Rate of Return – IRR and the Net Present Value

Imagine you are a consultant who must recommend whether to purchase a company.

Explain how you would evaluate the expected rate of return from the investment and the method to evaluate the investment decision. Assess the disadvantages and advantages of the investment method and why the method would provide the most accurate measure for the anticipated rate of return requirement. Justify your recommendation.



As a consultant, it is important to explain to the client the concept of Interest Rate of Return – IRR and the Net Present Value, which are two methods that help estimate the discount rate (IRR) and the cash flow (NPV), especially when comparing projects or trying to estimate the course of the investment, to start, the client must remember that NPV computes in dollars, different from the IRR which represent a percentage.

In the case of the NPV, the client must understand that this is a primary capital budgeting technique where the cash inflows are discounted to their present value and then compared with the capital outlay required by investment, a good proposal of the company in question is when the NPV is zero or positive, even if it is higher, the investment becomes more attractive (J.J., 1). Advantages of using the NPV method include the consideration of before and after cash flow, the different discount rates used during the project, and how to maximize the returns (Sardana, 2), the disadvantages of this method include the difficulty of using a suitable discount rate and is not an exact science for estimating the time need it to reach a positive NPV (Sardana, 2). GET PLAGIARISM FREE PAPERS HERE

Leading Organizations

Leading Organizations, get assignment help online at Top Grade Essay Writings

Leading Organizations

Leading Organizations

Response to the three articles listed below, backup your responses with 2022 article sources only and provide pdf for the article sources used. Do not use any of the article used by the articles already.

1. Teamwork is a crucial part of working within an organization. Robbins et al (2021) stresses the differences between work groups and work teams. In my business I try to emphasize that each department is greater than the sum of its parts. Every employee must coordinate properly with other members of their team to maximize efficiency. Trust is a major part of working as a team. Just like a sports team, every member must play their part and trust that their teammates will do their best as well. In the same way great basketball teams perform best when players pass and trust their teammates to score, effective organizations trust each team member will do their part and enhance their coworkers. Ferrazzi (2022), advocates for greater collaboration and less competition in leadership roles. He argues that by placing more emphasis on trust and relationships, his team can better communicate and make decisions more quickly leading to better outcomes in his business. He feels that often, leaders have lost their ability to work as a team by the time they have reached their current position, which can inhibit their performance. Teamwork is essential to high production, being able to bounce ideas off one another can really help in difficult situations. Sometimes leaders feel that they should not have to listen to the advice or suggestions of their inferiors, but this may lead to missing out on great recommendations.

Leading Organizations


2. Organizational environment and leadership have a large impact on team performance. Leadership contributes to building the shared perception that differing strengths, knowledge, values, and inputs enhance the value of the team. A team with members committed to achieving goals can more easily combine their strengths to overcome weaknesses, thus working more effectively and efficiently together.  Individuals feel empowered to contribute to the team’s activities when they feel valued as unique members. When a member of a team is aware of their uniqueness, they realize that they can offer others’ ideas and perspectives that others may not, thereby increasing their sense of responsibility to ensure their contribution is heard (Leroy et al, 2022). Team members may feel excluded if their leaders invite them to voice their perspectives, but the team has not shown an interest in hearing them. To increase trust and openness, Robbins & Judge (2021) suggest increasing team interaction. According to them, intergroup development aims to change attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions of groups toward one another. The most effective way to achieve that is by sharing their lists, discussing similarities and differences, and identifying factors that may lead to discrepancies (Robbins & Judge, 2021).

Leading Organizations


3. The chapter I am basing my response and article off is chapter nine: foundation of group behavior. The article referenced and attached below is looking at group behavior from the social responsibilities that companies have to make investments that are responsible and will be for the social progression of mankind. They are investments that are done for the good of the group as oppose to the individual. Group behavior can be referred as those sets of behaviors and action which an individual elicits, being in a group and the group overall. Groups cannot be eliminated from our lives. Even if being a member of a group sometimes involves negative aspects we seek to understand both the costs and benefits of belonging to a group. Groups often function in a collective state by contributing time, energy, thoughts decisions and other resources equally by every member of the group. Group membership often restricts personal freedom. Members of groups are expected to behave in certain ways. The fact that our behavior is strongly affected by the groups to which we belong is far from surprising; after all, in these groups there are usually well-established norms that tell us how we are expected to behave. Often, we are strongly affected by the mere presence of others even if they are not part of the group. Social behavior is an individual’s conduct that recognizes, revises, or otherwise affects another person’s actions. The society activates a social behavior that reinforces other members of the community or society to repeat the activity once again. A social act is one that is not only influenced by the society but also influences the society in return. The behavior of an individual that has not been affected or changed by society, and which does not alter or encourage the members of society is not social behavior. A song by a popular composer, for instance, that affects or influences the actions of certain social members is a social act. However, a composer’s song that is not released, heard, or analyzed anywhere will not alter or influence the actions of other people in society. It is a case of social behavior or social act only when people respond to a specific act of an individual. How well people work together is a crucial factor in the success of any organization or group. Employers have traditionally seen employees as collections of individuals held together through self-interest, rules, exercise of authority. When there ARE groups within an organization, they are often seen as barriers rather than vehicles for achieving organization’s goals. Nowadays, there are many firms that support the formation of quality circles, self-managing teams and liaisons. When observing any group of people who work together, one can notice many social processes going on (communicating, influencing each other, cooperating with one another and competing).