Choose one U.S. and one non-U.S. global company from the 2016 Fortune Global

Choose one U.S. and one non-U.S. global company from the 2016 Fortune Global.

Choose one U.S. and one non-U.S. global company from the 2016 Fortune Global 500 list, and answer the two sets of questions that follow. The answers to the questions may be found in annual reports, corporate Web pages

Choose one U.S. and one non-U.S. global company from the 2016 Fortune Global

Module 4 – Case
Assignment Overview
In this assignment you will be conducting your own research as well as using the following sources:
Fortune Global 500 (2016). Retrieved from
IBISWorld (2017) database found in the Trident Online Library.

Case Assignment
Choose one U.S. and one non-U.S. global company from the 2016 Fortune Global 500 list, and answer the two sets of questions that follow. The answers to the questions may be found in annual reports, corporate Web pages, business publications, or other sources. Fully document the source(s) of your information!

Assume you are actively looking for a career opportunity that will further your career.

You are willing to work either in the United States or another country. At this phase of your career, the geographical location of the opportunity is not important. You are a mobile job seeker with a young family.

a. What country would you choose? Explain why.
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages to you for selecting that particular country over another?
c. From the Global 500 list, choose two multinational companies (MNCs) of which one is U.S-based and the other is based in a different country. The companies can be in the same industry.
d. Compare and contrast each of them as a potential employer according to criteria important to you as a job seeker with a family.

Examine industry information from the IBIS World Database to develop your responses and then address the additional following questions:

a. Why did you select these two companies?
b. In relation to success, where do these companies stand in their industry?
c. What is the outlook for the industry over the next 5-10 years?
11/15/2020 Case – MGT491 Capstone in Human Resource Management (2020NOV16FT-1)

d. In your research on these companies, did you find any issues with unethical activities or pending lawsuits? (These may be found in the annual report.)
e. What are the companies positions regarding their impact on the environment?
f. What types of job opportunities are available to you at these companies today?
g. What do these companies do for its expatriates to prepare them for a job overseas and to prepare them to return home at the end of their tour of duty?
The format of your submission is up to you. It can be an essay, speech, or slide presentation with notes/comments. Your submission should include a strong introduction, conclusion, and reference list.
If you opt to write an essay paper, your submission should be 4-5 pages long, not counting the cover and reference list pages.

This means that we really want to see a 5-page paper but will accept one that is 4 complete pages. To do any less pages than 4 pages would mean that the content does not adequately address the questions.

If you opt to deliver a video speech, you will need to submit an outline of your speech in addition to recording the speech.

The best way to submit a video speech is to record it and submit it on YouTube. The link for the video speech must then be inserted onto the outline. Your speech should last 5-8 minutes to cover all aspects of the assignment.

If you opt to submit a PowerPoint presentation, remember that today’s workers want to see no more than 5 words and a picture on each slide. All those other words you want to fill your slides up with belong on the notes pages, not on the slides. Put just one short bullet point on a slide, not multiple points. In addition, pictures of people must be real people, not clip art. You should have 12-15 slides, not counting the cover or reference list slides; however, you are not penalized for going over the number of slides. The important thing here is to limit the info on the slides and to put your commentary (what you want to say about the slide) on the notes pages.


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Choose one U.S. and one non-U.S. global company from the 2016 Fortune Global

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