Conduct the empirical property performance analysis

Conduct the empirical property performance analysis.

The assignment uses the total return performance of direct property, shares, A-REITs, bonds and cash over 1985-2019.

Step 1: Download the excel file “Assessment 1 Total Return Index Data” above.

Step 2: Perform analysis using the data based on the questions below.

Step 3: Export analysis results (in tabulated form) into Microsoft Word and write comments for relevant questions. Please make sure tables are properly formatted and do not exceed printing boundary. Calculation working is not required.


The aim of this assessment is to conduct the empirical property performance analysis to understand the significance and role of property in a mixed-asset portfolio over various investment horizons.


You are required to assess the investment attributes of the Australian property market and other major asset classes by using the total return index of direct property (and its sub-sectors), shares, A-REITs, bonds and 90-day bills (cash). The total returns data will be available on the unit vUWS site.

Note: All numeric answers must have at least 2 decimal points and 2 significant figures

Total return performance 1985-2019

By using the total return index:

1) Graph the performance trends of direct property, shares, A-REITs and bonds over 1985-2019; comment on relevant trends.

2) Graph the performance trends of office, retail and industrial property sub-sectors over 1985-2019; comment on relevant trends.

3) Calculate the various annual returns for 1985-2019.

4) Calculate the average annual returns for each investment for the following time periods:

2015-2019 (5 years)

2013-2019 (7 years)

Pre-GFC: 1985-2006

Post-GFC: 2010-2019; based on the average annual return calculation, comment on their post-GFC performance in comparison to the performance observed in the pre-GFC period.

5) Calculate the average annual return and risk for each of these investments for the full period: 1985-2019; comment.

Note: For 4 and 5 above, use the geometric mean, not the arithmetic mean in calculating the average annual return.

6) Calculate the correlation coefficient and construct the inter-asset correlation matrix for these assets over 1985-2019.

7) Based on the results in Question 6, explain in-detail on the inter-asset correlations concerning portfolio diversification for the following scenarios:

do A-REITs provide an effective property investment exposure for investors?

are there any diversification benefits between the three direct property sub-sectors: office, retail and industrial?

if an investor has a traditional portfolio of shares and bonds, would the inclusion of direct property enhance diversification benefits?

8) Based on the results in Question 6, discuss the inflation-hedging characteristics of direct property, A-REITs, shares and bonds.

9) Based on the results in Question 5:

Construct the risk-return diagram for these investments.

Calculate the risk-to-return ratio and return-to-risk ratio for these investments.

Calculate the Sharpe ratio for these investments.

Comment on their risk-adjusted performance.

Note: For Question 10 onward, use the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019

10) By using the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019, calculate the portfolio return and portfolio risk for the following mixed-asset portfolios:

60% shares/ 25% bonds/ 15% direct property

45% shares/ 35% bonds/ 20% direct property

35% shares/ 15% bonds/ 30% direct property/ 20% A-REITs

11) By using the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019 and including shares, A-REITs, direct property and bonds:

determine the optimum mixed-asset composition that gives the highest portfolio return, if direct property and A-REITs are each constrained at a maximum of 10%

determine the optimum mixed-asset composition that gives the highest Sharpe ratio, if the total allocation in direct property and A-REITs is constrained at a maximum of 10% (i.e.: direct property + A-REITs = 10%)

12) By using the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019, calculate the beta value and Treynor ratio for each of office, retail and industrial property; use direct property as the market benchmark. Discuss the results for these three property sectors.

13) By using the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019, calculate the beta value and Treynor ratio for A-REITs; use shares as the market benchmark; discuss.

14) By using the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019, calculate the tracking error and information ratio for each of office, retail and industrial property; use Australian composite property as the market benchmark; discuss the results for these three property sectors.

15) By using the post-GFC annual returns: 2010-2019, calculate the tracking error and information ratio for A-REITs; use shares as the market benchmark; discuss.


You are to submit this assignment online via Turnitin (submission link at the bottom of this page)

This assignment should use Times New Roman with 12 points font size and 1.5 spacing. Paragraph must be justified. The submission of the assignment must be accompanied by a signed assignment cover sheet. You are not required to submit the Excel analysis spreadsheet.

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Conduct the empirical property performance analysis

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