Consider the implications of language development in working with students with disabilities.

Consider the implications of language development in working with students with disabilities..

The focus of this course is on high-incidence disabilities, specifically learning disabilities and language disorders encountered in general and special education environments. Specific emphasis will be on the understanding of characteristics and interventions that support these types of students. The course will also emphasize research based instructional strategies and accommodations for students with high incidence disabilities. Field experiences are required.

This course is an important foundation for being an effective and efficient learning support teacher and supporting the learning needs of students in other disability categories as well. Therefore, the following assessments and activity requirements are designed to demonstrate that you have advanced understanding in the practice of programming and instructing students with learning disabilities.

To be successful in this course you will need to place yourself in the mindset of doing EXCELLENT work. Simply completing the assignments is not sufficient to earn an A in this course. The work that is expected in the course project is work that is expected of every special educator.

Course Goals

· Recognize and explain basic assessment and statistical concepts relative to identification of students with high incidence disabilities

· Identify the etiologies and medical aspects of various diagnoses affecting individuals with disabilities in order to contribute to effective program planning.

· Recognize patterns of typical behavioral milestones and how patterns of students with disabilities may be different, and plan effectively for positive teaching of appropriate behaviors that facilitate learning.

· Identify the screening, pre-referral, and classification process and placement procedures.

· Consider the implications of language development in working with students with disabilities.

· Describe and assess the impact of language development and listening comprehension on academic and non-academic learning of students with disabilities.

· Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the components of reading and describe how these areas pose challenges for students with disabilities

· Become familiar with a four-processor model of reading (context, meaning, phonological and orthographic) and understand that reading depends on language proficiency.

· Explain the relationship between phoneme awareness, phonological processing, and phonics.

· Clearly articulate and model the use of explicit and systematic instruction in the teaching of content area literacy for all students with disabilities across all reading levels.

· Identify effective instructional strategies to address areas of need.

· Identify methods to increase knowledge and pedagogical skills through participation in meaningful professional development.

· Identify and implement differentiated instructional strategies through the use of matching appropriate strategies to student characteristics, integrating student initiated learning opportunities and experiences into ongoing instruction, e.g., universally designed approaches.

Consider the implications of language development in working with students with disabilities.

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