Consulting Project Budget Process for Brookdale Senior Solutions

Consulting Project Budget Process for Brookdale Senior Solutions.


XYZ Consulting has proposed a project to be conducted with Brookdale Senior Solutions. Project Details are listed in the table below. Plus please read the following attachments for additional reference:

Consulting Plan: Balanced Scorecard and Causal Chain Scorecard
Brookdale Project Plan 2 Work Breakdown Structure and Costs
Action Plan


Read the following project details below and attachments listed above to acquire background information of the project.
Use the budget from the enclosed attached “Brookdale Project Plan 2 Work Breakdown Structure and Costs” to develop an allocated budget chart that cover all costs of the consulting project.
Prepare an examination of the budgeting process in a minimum of 260 words.

The paper must include references/sources to at least 2 scholarly references/source. No more and no less. You may only use the course textbook chapter attachments provided for the scholarly references/sources.

Project Details

Organization: Brookdale Senior Solutions
Project type: Evaluating the needs for training and development to improve operational performance
Reason for Project:

· Resident neglect and abuse- Activities of Daily Living Refresher Training for nursing aide staff

· Poor management/employee communication- Effective Communications Workshop for management and employees
Project Goals

· To improve the quality service and resident care at the Brookdale Senior Living Solutions long-term care facility.

· To ensure that the nursing staffs will gain relevant skills and competence to provide quality service and care to its’ residents through in-house refresher training.

· To standardize the communication process to improve management decision making.

Consulting Project Budget Process for Brookdale Senior Solutions

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