Correctly determined intervention strategy| nursing

Correctly determined intervention strategy| nursing.


Levels of Achievement: Fully Met 15 (17.65%) 15 (17.65%) Provided a thorough summary of the way the theory was used to develop the intervention Partially Met/Good 10 (11.76%) 14 (16.47%) An intervention strategy is identified And, The strategy identified was appropriate for the type of intervention described in the article But, The strategy identified is not the strategy used in the article Partially Met/Fair 1 (1.18%) 9 (10.59%) An intervention strategy is identified But, The strategy identified is not appropriate for the type of intervention described in the article And, The strategy identified is not the strategy used in the article Not Met 0 (0%) 0 (0%) No intervention strategy is identified Feedback:
Provided an assessment of whether the intervention strategy was appropriate
Levels of Achievement: Fully Met 15 (17.65%) 15 (17.65%) Provided an assessment of the appropriatenes s of the intervention strategy And, Provided sufficient detail to support the assessment Partially Met/Good 10 (11.76%) 14 (16.47%) Provided an assessment of the appropriateness of the intervention strategy But, Did not provide sufficient detail to support the assessment Partially Met/Fair 1 (1.18%) 9 (10.59%) Did not provide an assessment of the intervention strategy But, Did indicate whether or not the strategy was appropriate Not Met 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Did not provide an assessment of the intervention strategy And, Did not indicate whether the strategy was appropriate Feedback:
Summarized how the theory was used to develop the intervention
Levels of Achievement: Fully Met 16 (18.82%) 16 (18.82%) Provided a thorough summary of the way the theory was used to develop the intervention Partially Met/Good 10 (11.76%) 15 (17.65%) Provided a summary of the way the theory was used to develop the intervention But, Some detail was missing Partially Met/Fair 1 (1.18%) 9 (10.59%) Provided a partial summary of the way the theory was used to develop the intervention But, Significant detail was missing Not Met 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Did not summarize how the theory was used to develop the intervention Feedback:
Provided an assessment of why the theory would or would not be a good fit for the proposed program
Levels of Achievement: Fully Met 16 (18.82%) 16 (18.82%) Provided an assessment of the whether or not the theory would be appropriate And, Provided sufficient detail to support the assessment Partially Met/Good 10 (11.76%) 15 (17.65%) Provided an assessment of the theory But, Did not provide sufficient detail to support the assessment Partially Met/Fair 1 (1.18%) 9 (10.59%) Did not provide an assessment of the theory But, Did indicate whether or not the strategy was appropriate Not Met 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Did not provide an assessment of the theory And, Did not indicate whether the strategy was appropriate Feedback:
Correct APA citation provided
Levels of Achievement: Fully Met 0 (0%) 3 (3.53%) Partially Met/Good 0 (0%) 3 (3.53%) Partially Met/Fair 0 (0%) 3 (3.53%) Not Met 0 (0%) 3 (3.53%) Feedback:
Correctly identified the primary health behavior theory used to develop the intervention
Levels of Achievement: Fully Met 0 (0%) 4 (4.71%) Partially Met/Good 0 (0%) 4 (4.71%) Partially Met/Fair 0 (0%) 4 (4.71%) Not Met 0 (0%) 4 (4.71%) Feedback:
Total Points: 85

Correctly determined intervention strategy| nursing

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