Critical reflection paper

Critical reflection paper.

Details for Part B: Individual Synopsis & Critical Reflection Paper (20%) Weighting: 20% Word count: 500 words Due date: Online one week after the group presentation by each member of the student team Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p. 24) Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 14. One week after the group presentation each student will submit an individual synopsis of the content of the presentation and a critical reflection on the process of working in a team to construct an argument and achieve consensus. The paper is NOT to be an exact copy of the students contribution to the group presentation in Part A. Student directions The marking criteria and standards have been developed to guide you through the assessment process. Please read the criteria and standards carefully. Students are required to cover the following: • An individual synopsis of the content of the group presentation A written summary of the main points made by the students team in the debate • Critical reflection on the process How your teams presentation could be improved to strengthen your case? This includes providing alternative approaches to address the professional practice issues identified in the case study. • Critical reflection on your learning How the NMBA Codes, Standards, and Guides enhance your understanding of professional practice as a graduate nurse or midwife? The paper must include in-text references and a reference list at the end of the paper in the APA style 6th edition (available on vUWS) for all resources used in your team presentation and in the critical reflection on the group process (a minimum of five references is expected). There is a word limit of 500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 500 words plus 10%. Resources • Please refer to the units vUWS site for additional assessment resources • There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the UWS Library that may assist you in the assessment.

2.6 Assessment details Assessment 1: Group Presentation, Synopsis & Critical Reflection Paper Weighting: 35% (15% Group Presentation and 20% Individual Synopsis & Critical Reflection) Aim of assessment This assessment item involves two related activities: Part A and Part B Part A: The group presentation provides students with an opportunity to explore a professional practice issue in relation to the context of nursing and midwifery. Students work together as a team to present on a topic of choice based on a real case study and develop skills in structuring an argument through the experience of responding to differing perspectives on the topic in the format of a debate. Part B: Students write a synopsis of the group presentation and an individual critical reflection on the group process in the week following the in-class debate. A synopsis is a summary of what the team presented on the topic. Critical reflection involves thinking through how the team approached the debate and assessing the assumptions made about the topic. Details for Part A: Group Presentation (15%) Weighting: 15% Duration: 20 minutes Due date: In Workshop 3 or 4 depending on student team allocation by tutors in Workshop 1 Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p. 24) Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 12. Students are allocated one of the three professional practice issues from the list of case studies provided below in Table 1 from Fry and Veatch (2011) and available on vUWS. The presentation is structured as a debate between two student teams. Students are to form debating teams of 3-5 depending on class size. Student teams present in one debate during Workshop 3 and 4 (see the schedule of Teaching & Learning activities). Time will be allocated in Workshop 2 to discuss debate preparation. The debate: Nurses and midwives regularly make ethical and clinical decisions while balancing competing priorities. In each case, Team A affirms how care was consistent with the NMBA Codes, Standards, and Guides, and Team B argues how care was inconsistent with the NMBA Codes, Standards or Guides. Teams must make direct reference to the relevant professional responsibilities, code of conduct, ethical values, competencies and standards that apply. Table 1. List of topics for the Group Presentation Topic Professional practice issue for debate Case study Ref. (on vUWS) 1 The heel wound in the ER bed: Respecting the patient versus a clinical education opportunity Fry & Veatch, 2011, pp. 140-141 2 Allocating nursing time according to patient benefit: Meeting short-term patient needs versus long-term benefit Fry & Veatch, 2011, pp. 114-116 3 The RN covering the Maternity Unit: Short-term staffing versus a commitment to competent care Fry & Veatch, 2011, pp. 47-48 401021 Being a Professional Nurse or Midwife Learning Guide Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 10 of 37 University of Western Sydney Student directions The marking criteria and standards have been developed to guide you through the group assessment process. Please read the criteria and standards carefully. Key points to note in your preparation: • Students are allocated into two debating teams of an equal number of team members • A maximum of 10 students participate in a debate (two teams of 3-5 depending on class size) • Each debating team presents for 20 minutes (the duration of each debate is 40 minutes) • All team members must present for no less than 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes, depending on the number of student speakers in each debate • It is suggested that teams organise themselves as speaker 1, 2, 3 and 4, or 5, if required • Where there are teams of 3-4 speakers, the speaker roles can be combined, as agreed with the class tutor and ensuring an equitable contribution by all students in the debate: If there are 3 team members, each student presents for 5 minutes If there are 4 team members, each student presents for 4-5 minutes If there are 5 team members, each student presents for 3-4 minutes • The suggested format for speakers in the debate (to be adapted to class size) is as follows: Team A (Affirms NMBA standards followed) Team B (Claims NMBA standards not followed) Speaker 1 Frames the case and ethical factors Speaker 1 Frames opposing view of the case Speaker 2 Appeal to relevant NMBA statements Speaker 2 Contrasting view of NMBA statements Speaker 3 Counter points from NMBA statements Speaker 3 Counter points from NMBA statements Speaker 4 Sums up the greater good in this case Speaker 4 Sums up the greater good in this case Speaker 5 Applies case to professional practice Speaker 5 Applies case to professional practice The team presentation in the debate is to include the following discipline specific resources: NMBA (2008) Code of professional conduct for nurses/midwives in Australia NMBA (2008) Code of ethics for nurses/midwives in Australia NMBA (2006) National competency standards for the RN/midwife NMBA (2010) A nurses/midwives guide to professional boundaries • It is valuable for each team to consider what perspective and argument the other team may present on the allocated case study in order to prepare an adequate response • A debate should move a topic forward and not simply restate the details of the case study • A one page summary outline of the teams planned points for the presentation, including references to all sources in correct APA style, must be submitted to the tutor at the beginning of the workshop in which the group presentation is scheduled (Workshop 3 or 4) • General feedback may be given by the tutor on each teams performance but group presentation marks will not be released to students until the end of the Spring session. Resources • The case studies from Fry and Veatch (2011) and the NMBA resources for the group presentations will be available on the vUWS site. • A Student Guide and Tutor Guide to debating will be available on the vUWS site • Please refer to the units vUWS site for additional resources (e.g., NMBA documents) • There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the UWS Library that may assist you in the assessment.

Critical reflection paper

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