Critically appraise own knowledge and skills employed to promote effective collaborative practice.

Critically appraise own knowledge and skills employed to promote effective collaborative practice..

Collaborative Practice in Nursing

This is a 3,000-word assignment. The word count can be +/- of 10% of the total and should be declared on the front page.

• 1.5-line spacing and double spacing between paragraphs
• Font and size; Arial 12
The assignment should be presented in an academic essay format, with a clear introduction, body and conclusion. It should demonstrate the use an appropriate formal academic style, avoiding contractions (e.g., don’t, won’t, etc.), informal or spoken forms of language. Headings and sub-headings should not be included. Your work should be written in the third person.

Ensure that you use the Harvard system of referencing. The University Referencing and Cite them right guidelines are available in the Learning Development Unit Blackboard shell.
Ensure you do not identify any individual or organisation, directly or by implication, in your work (NMC, 2015). Equally, unless crucial to the argument and/or where the information is already in the public domain, refer to organisations only in the most general terms, e.g., an NHS trust.

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:Delete any that do not apply and ensure that alternative instructions are entered in the box above.
1. Critically utilise and apply the knowledge of biosciences to the nursing assessment, planning and evaluation of care of the adult patient with acute and long-term conditions.
2. Critically appraise and evaluate the significance of observational data to inform clinical judgement and decision making.
3. Critically appraise and evaluate the skills necessary to prioritise clinical assessment of the acutely ill adults and identify appropriate evidence based initial interventions in the event of deterioration.
4. Critically appraise own knowledge and skills employed to promote effective collaborative practice.

The Assignment Task:

Summative Assignment CW1.
This assignment requires you to critically appraise the collaborative approach adopted to ensure effective nursing intervention.

The chosen scenario (250 words as an appendix):
• Provide a 250-word narrative, detailing the collaborative care your patient received from the MDT

The Essay (3000 words):

Within your appraisal you are required to rationalise:
– The clinical condition, presentation and assessment – including relevant pathophysiology and pharmacology (LO: 1 & 3)
– The nursing clinical judgements and decision-making process using evidence based practice and current relevant frameworks (LO: 2)
– The benefits and challenges encountered when promoting collaborative patient care (LO: 4)

Assessment Criteria:
It will be marked according to the level 7 university marking grid.

Referral Information:
1. Your mark for this piece of course work will be confirmed at the Assessment Board. If you are referred, you will be given a date by the Assessment Board to resubmit your work. This will be your 1st referral attempt.
2. The mark for 1st referral work will be confirmed at the Assessment Board. You may be given a 2nd (final) referral attempt following this Assessment Board, submission date to be confirmed.
Please note: You are strongly advised to seek referral support from the module team.

Critically appraise own knowledge and skills employed to promote effective collaborative practice.

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