cultural aspects of chronic diseases such as Down syndrome.

cultural aspects of chronic diseases such as Down syndrome..

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Transcultural Assessment-Week 3

Question 1

In assessing Veronica, the nurse will need knowledge of bio cultural aspects of chronic diseases such as Down syndrome. Secondly, the nurse needs knowledge about past medical history and family history to identify the presence of genetic disorders. The information include the patient’s culture and primary healthcare methods. The nurse should also include whether the family has sought other types of healing including from magico-religious solutions. The nurse should have adequate knowledge of Down syndrome and its prevalence among the cultural group.
The genetics of Down syndrome are important when dealing with Veronica’s parents. Understanding the genetics of the condition will help the nurse explain to the parents about the cause. It helps eliminate possibly held beliefs that maybe associated with the symptoms such as delayed growth. A nurse who understands how the condition occurs will also advice the parents further in regard to getting children in the future.
The primary concern I would have with the parents is misunderstanding about the cause of the challenge. Some cultures relate diseases with supernatural factors such as gods and curses (Andres & Bolye, 2016). Due to the rarity of the symptoms, the parents may associate them child with such factors. As such, the nurse may have hard time explaining the condition to the parents.
Question 2

Sickle cell is a condition that is prevalent among blacks. However, being black is not a guarantee that one will develop the condition. As such, to help Michelle understand the disease and its genetics, the nurse should start by explaining the chances that she may develop the disease. This include asking about family history of the disease to identify whether there are other members of her family with the condition.
It is reasonable to tell Michelle that the baby can be tested for Sickle cell after birth. Early diagnosis of sickle cell is key to management as the disease makes a child vulnerable to diseases (Vila Cuenca et al., 2020). By testing the child, one can get proper treatment and protect them from health challenges. Moreover, telling Michelle that the child can be tested prepares her psychologically and cognitively for an outcome where the child is positive for sickle cell disease.
In the discussion with Michelle, the nurse should discuss culturally appropriate measures for management of sickle cell anemia. According to Vila Cuenca et al. (2020), stem cell transplant may cure sickle cell. The nurse should ensure that they inform Michelle of the possible treatment and management modalities for sickle cell. Other information to include are how to relieve pain and prevent complications.

There are chances that a person of Mediterranean descent will have low hemoglobin levels in their blood due to the high prevalence of thalassemia in this area. Thalassemia or Mediterranean anemia is a hereditary disease that is common among people of Mediterranean origin (Qingmei et al., 2016). During assessment, the knowledge about the prevalence of thalassemia help nurses to tailor their tests towards the disease. Therefore, the nurse may look for signs and symptoms of anemia in the patient from the Mediterranean descent.
Low hemoglobin level is related to poor health including which include anemia with such symptoms as body weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, headache, cold and pale skin. These signs and symptoms are related with a decline in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood (Cavero-Redondo et al., 2017). The individual with low hemoglobin levels may at times experience breathing difficulties and other challenges due to the inability to carry oxygen.

Andres, A.M. & Bolye, J.S. (2016). Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care (7th ed.). ISBN 978-1-4511-9397-8

Cavero-Redondo, I., Peleteiro, B., Álvarez-Bueno, C., Garrido-Miguel, M., Artero, E. G., & Martinez-Vizcaino, V. (2017). The effects of physical activity interventions on glycated haemoglobin A1c in non-diabetic populations: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ open, 7(7), e015801.

cultural aspects of chronic diseases such as Down syndrome.

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