Culturally Sensitive Care

Culturally Sensitive Care.


Paper details

Here are the instructions:

This assignment provides opportunities for you to demonstrate your ability to write a scholarly paper in which you:

1. reflect on your values and beliefs about culture
2. critique a journal article
3. analyze the usefulness of a journal article for nursing practice.

Complete all three parts of the assignment in a scholarly paper using current APA format.

You should cite all references to article on which this assignment is based, and are also encouraged to use and cite other sources.

Part 3: Analyze the usefulness of a journal article for nursing practice.
Complete a written analysis of the article A critical lens on culture in nursing practice by R Lisa Bourque Bearskin by answering the following questions:

1. a.) What are two key ideas that have been addressed by the author that you can apply to
nursing practice?
b.) Why do you think these two ideas are important in providing culturally sensitive care?
c.) How do these ideas relate to College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Guideline:
Culturally Sensitive Care?

2. In the summary of the article, the author provides a text box titled Respectful Practice. Choose one of the action statements and discuss why the author included it. Based on your reading of the article, how would you implement the action described in the statement into your practice?

3. How have the article and the College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Guideline:
Culturally Sensitive Care changed your personal definition of culturally sensitive care?

Culturally Sensitive Care

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