Demonstrate appropriate care planning and delivery for people with an episodic illness that has resulted in alterations in homeostasis.

Demonstrate appropriate care planning and delivery for people with an episodic illness that has resulted in alterations in homeostasis..

Assignment Objectives The purpose of the assignment is to facilitate student development in: • understanding the pathophysiology of an acute abdominal condition; • nursing care and management of the patient with an acute abdominal condition; • health pr

2. Assessment task 2

Assessment Title

Case Study

Task Description

Assignment Objectives

The purpose of the assignment is to facilitate student development in:

§ understanding the pathophysiology of an acute abdominal condition;

§ nursing care and management of the patient with an acute abdominal condition;

§ health promotion for the patient with an acute abdominal condition.

The assignment will be marked using the following criteria:

1. Content (70%)

2. Organisation, Language & Style (20%)

3. Presentation (10%)

Case Study

Mrs Lopez is a 45-year-old, obese, Hispanic tourist who presents to the Emergency Department with acute abdominal pain. She has a recent history of abdominal pain over the past two weeks, gradually increasing in intensity. No known family history of any abdominal conditions. Mrs Lopez states she has accompanying symptoms of nausea and vomiting, pain radiating to her right shoulder, sweating and chills. When questioned about her social history, she states her diet has consisted of regular takeaway with an intolerance to fatty food and little exercise.

Mrs Lopez is complaining of moderate abdominal pain. She is febrile at 38.2 degrees Celsius, with a blood pressure of 126/72 mmHg, a regular pulse of 128bpm, a respiratory rate of 22 breaths/min, and an oxygen saturation of 97% while breathing room air. The plan for Mrs Lopez is to admit her to the surgical ward for observation, medication management and surgery.

Mrs Lopez is anxious and says she feels guilty about her lifestyle, which she considers has contributed to this admission today.

Mrs Lopez will require a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

1. Risk Factors and Health Promotion

What are the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors that may have contributed to Mrs Lopez’s cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis? Mrs Lopez requests assistance regarding her modifiable risk factors. Outline how you would approach Mrs Lopez regarding these including what health promotion information and referrals you would provide to her (500 words)

2. Pathophysiology

Briefly describe in your own words (in the way you would explain it to a family member) the pathophysiology behind acute cholecystitis (400 words)

3. Homeostatic Mechanisms

Outline the homeostatic mechanisms that result in the following symptoms Mrs Lopez is experiencing on your nursing assessment:

*Referred shoulder pain

*nausea and vomiting

*fever (500 words)

4. Nursing Care

Outline and justify the nursing care required for Mrs Lopez with her initial presenting symptoms, placing this nursing care in order of clinical priority. (500 words) words)

5. Activities of Daily Living

Consider the twelve (12) activities of living outlined in the Roper Logan & Tierney Model of Nursing and specifically discuss which of these activities of living may be influenced or altered for Mrs Lopezpost-operatively. Outline how the registered nurse could assist the patient to manage them.

(600 words)

You should incorporate current research to support your discussion(less than 10 years old), texts/journal articles and/or other resources. No more than 3 web-based resources should be used. Your assessment should be presented in academic format as per the Assessment Handbook.

This assignment can be presented in the numbered format using the headings provided in the case study. You should type out each heading and provide your answer to that question immediately underneath in essay format.


Assessment Criteria

Your assignment will be evaluated on the following assessment criteria:

Content – 70%

Organisation – 10%

Language – 5%

Style – 5%

Presentation – 10%

Referencing Style

Author – Date (Harvard)

A summary of the Harvard system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at:


Submit an electronic copy of your assessment via upload to eLearning

· Online in Moodle Dropbox

Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed

· Analyse the role played by the body systems in the control of homeostasis.

· Identify the common diseases and disorders affecting homeostasis that result in episodic illnesses.

· Identify assessment data required when formulating nursing care for people with an episodic illness that results in alterations in homeostasis.

· Identify assessment data required when formulating nursing care for people with an episodic illness that results in alterations in homeostasis.

· Demonstrate appropriate care planning and delivery for people with an episodic illness that has resulted in alterations in homeostasis.

· Utilise and evaluate evidence based criteria with which to appraise clinical practice planning and delivery for people with an episodic illness that results in alterations in homeostasis across the lifespan.

· Demonstrate an ability to assess diversity and to incorporate differences in culture, age, ethnicity, religion in planned care.

Demonstrate appropriate care planning and delivery for people with an episodic illness that has resulted in alterations in homeostasis.

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