Describe the technology and provide a URL to the product.

Describe the technology and provide a URL to the product..

Follow up last paper, Integrating Technology: Part 3
Order Description
research an existing technology that you are not currently using in your class or school and that provides an opportunity for authentic student learning. This can be a software program, an application, a device such as a GPS, or any other technology that you feel would benefit your students.
Note: I would use
Use You will research this technology on the Web, and describe how you will incorporate it into your teaching. Finally, you will draft a mini-proposal in an effort to secure a grant to fund the acquisition of the technology.
Part 1: Identifying a Technology for Classroom or School Use
Directions for Completion:
1. Identify a technology you are not currently using that you feel would provide an example of authentic learning with technology for your students. Describe the technology, and provide a URL to the product. Tutorials for conducting research are available
2. How would this technology enhance your students learning?
3. Could this technology be used across grade levels and content areas? How can this
technology benefit the largest number of students in your classroom or school?
4. Do you have the knowledge and skills necessary to implement, and lead your students, in projects utilizing this technology? If not, what type of professional development would you
recommend for yourself and your colleagues as you plan to implement it?
Part 2: Technology Grant Mini-Proposal
Directions for Completion:
As you draft the mini-proposal you will use to secure funding for this technology, refer to the criteria for a quality proposal outlined in your Module 4, Part 4 Presentation. Remember, a quality proposal includes the following:
? Clearly stated and measurable goals that link use of the new technology to increased student achievement and mastery of standards
? A description of how the tool will represent meaningful learning with technology for your students
? A schedule for the implementation of the technology
? A description of how the implementation of the tool will be evaluated and how students
will be assessed
? A description of the cost of the technology and vendor information

Describe the technology and provide a URL to the product.

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