Describe your familys history of social mobility through at least three generations. Types of social mobility to discuss include intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, and status attainment. Explain the role of race and gender in the discussion on mobility and social status. Explore and then explain why each generation achieved different levels of social mobility. Predict your own social mobility and if you have children, their mobility. Support your work with the text readings, lectures, and appropriate outside resources.

Describe your familys history of social mobility through at least three generations. Types of social mobility to discuss include intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, and status attainment. Explain the role of race and gender in the discussion on mobility and social status. Explore and then explain why each generation achieved different levels of social mobility. Predict your own social mobility and if you have children, their mobility. Support your work with the text readings, lectures, and appropriate outside resources..

Assignment 2: Social Mobility

For this assignment, you will trace your own family’s history of social mobility. Consider various types of social mobility, including intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, and status attainment.

You should examine at least three generations of your family and think about their achievements and ascriptions and whether people climbed upward, slid downward, or remained the same. Be sure to think about race and gender and their role in mobility and social status.  You should also make predictions about your own social mobility and your children’s (real or imagined) future mobility.

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  1. Describe your family’s history of social mobility through at least three generations. Types of social mobility to discuss include intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, and status attainment.
  2. Explain the role of race and gender in the discussion on mobility and social status.
  3. Explore and then explain why each generation achieved different levels of social mobility.
  4. Predict your own social mobility and if you have children, their mobility.
  5. Support your work with the text readings, lectures, and appropriate outside resources.

Name your file LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc and submit it to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, September 17, 2014.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Described at least three generations of family’s history of social mobility, considering intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, and status. 20
Explained the role of race and gender in the discussion on mobility and social status. 16
Explained why each generation achieved different levels of social mobility. 20
Predicted own social mobility and that of children, if applicable. 12
Supported work through appropriate resources. 12
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20
Total: 100





Assignment 1: LASA 2: Stratification and Prejudice in Current Events

The purpose of this assignment is to explore stratification and prejudice in current events. Despite great advances towards equality between the races and genders, racial and gender discrimination, as well as class stratification remain serious social problems. To conclude this course, you will use the news media to discover current social issues with regards to race and gender.

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  • Using newspapers, news websites, or news magazines, select three current events (within the last six months) that reflect our studies on stratification.  One event should represent racial issues, one gender issues, and one class issues.  All three should demonstrate discrimination and/or stratification in American society.


  • Using your research, describe the current events and how they are reflective of your studies on racial, gender, and class discrimination and/or stratification.


  • Analyze the events and apply the lecture and text to the news articles. What theories of stratification apply?  Are the current events representative of the historical trends of racial, gender, and class discrimination and or/stratification? What solutions, if any, should be applied to these current events?


  • In your discussion, apply your personal experiences and observations to the current events.


  • How do you feel that the media perpetuates discrimination and/or stratification based on race, gender, and class?  Support your ideas with concepts from the text and/or appropriate outside resources.

Provide a minimum of three references and apply the correct APA standards in the format of text, citations, and references.  Your paper should include a title page and reference. Your paper should be at least five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Name your file LastNameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc and submit it to 
M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox
 by Saturday, September 20, 2014.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Selected and used research to describe three current events, one each that addresses racial, gender, and class discrimination and/or stratification. 28
Analyzed each current event, incorporating theories and concepts from the text, lecture, and appropriate outside resources. 68
Compared the current events to historical trends of racial, gender, and class discrimination and or/stratification. 36
Suggested possible solutions for each current event. 36
Applied personal experiences and observations to the current events. 32
Analyzed the media’s role in perpetuating discrimination and/or stratification. 36
Written Components:
Organization (16)
Usage and mechanics (16)
APA elements (24)
Style (8)
Total: 300


Describe your familys history of social mobility through at least three generations. Types of social mobility to discuss include intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, and status attainment. Explain the role of race and gender in the discussion on mobility and social status. Explore and then explain why each generation achieved different levels of social mobility. Predict your own social mobility and if you have children, their mobility. Support your work with the text readings, lectures, and appropriate outside resources.

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