Design differentiator circuit using inductors & capacitors

Design differentiator circuit using inductors & capacitors.

1.Design a differentiator circuit using inductors and capacitors, to have gain of 30. What is the output
of the amplifier if the input is ??????= 0.5 sin500??.
16. Using Opamps build the following signals, wherein ??, ??1, ??2: input, ??: output.
a. ?? = 12? ??????
b. ?? = 50? ??1???? + 0.1? ??2????
c. ?? = 800? ? ??????
Build Analog Computers
17. Build an Operational Amplifier circuit to implement the following systems (??: input, ??: output)
a. PID Controller that takes error as ?? = ?? – ??. A proportional, Integral and
Differential of the error is needed.
b. ?? + 3?? = ??
c. ?? + ?? + 3?? = ??
d. ?? + 5?? + 6?? = ? ??????
e. ?? + 11?? + 30?? = ?? + 5??
f. ?? + 11?? + 30?? = ?? + ?? + ?

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Design differentiator circuit using inductors & capacitors

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