Determine the Turbine output (kW)

Determine the Turbine output (kW).

A simple Rankine-cycle steam power plant operates with a steam flow rate of 500,000 lbm /hr. Steam enters the turbine at 500 psia and 1000 F. The turbine exhaust (condenser inlet) conditions are 1.0 psia with a steam quality of 0.90. Determine the following:

A. Turbine output (kW)

B. Condenser heat rejection rate (Btu/hr)

C. Turbine isentropic efficiency (%)

D. Each term in the second-law entropy balance for the condensing process

E. Approximate pump work (kW)

F. Thermal efficiency of the plant (%)

G. Ideal thermal efficiency of the plant (%)

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Determine the Turbine output (kW)

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