Discuss how you currently use each PLO in your work setting and, if PLOs are not used

Discuss how you currently use each PLO in your work setting and, if PLOs are not used.

Creating the Final Paper and ePortfolio Please include a link to the Pathbrite ePortfolio (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. within the paper portion of this assignment. As needed, refer to the MAED Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) listPreview the document. Then, create your final assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below.
Content Expectations
ePortfolio Components (5 Points): Include at least one artifact demonstrating mastery for each of the nine MAED Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). ePortfolio Design (3 Points): Design the ePortfolio to be professional in appearance. Be sure to exemplify effective and ethical uses of technology so that the ePortfolio logically organized in a visually appealing way. Narrative – Ranking (5 Points): In no more than one paragraph for each Program Learning Outcomes, rank and discuss the importance of each PLOs to your individual work setting, including an explanation of each ranking and its value to you in your learning environment or your position. Discuss how you currently use each PLO in your work setting and, if PLOs are not used, discuss ways you might begin to use them in your current or future work setting. If you are unemployed or otherwise do not work in a teaching role, you can either (a) use a previous work location, or (b) imagine the perfect work location (e.g., your dream job), and use that fictional work center to rank and discuss each PLO. The overall goal of this section of the narrative is to rank each PLO according to its importance to you as an educator or potential educator, starting by listing the most important PLO to you first. Written Communication Expectations
Page Requirement (.5 points

Discuss how you currently use each PLO in your work setting and, if PLOs are not used

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