Discuss the implications of a strategy of heavy use of overtime in retailing, as well as in other fields, such as manufacturing, hospitals, and airlines.

Discuss the implications of a strategy of heavy use of overtime in retailing, as well as in other fields, such as manufacturing, hospitals, and airlines..

Three posts are required for this management discussion. Your first post to should be made by Thursday and your next two posts (which are responses to other students’ posts) should be done on two separate days.

Please have complete and well thought out responses. I am looking for original input so please share your experiences so we can all learn from them. Please make sure that you back up the posts with factual information from the book, work/life experiences, etc.


Management Chat Grading Criteria:

Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 40 points possible

Original post by Thursday: 10 points possible

Quality response to at least two classmates on two separate days: 20 points possible

References to text and/or other sources: 10 points

Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 10 points possible

Posted on 3 separate days: 10 points

Total: 100 points


TO POST: Click on Management Chat Forum Title below, then Create Thread.


Many companies deal with aggregate scheduling by forcing overtime on their employees to adjust for the peaks of seasonal demand. For example, a recent The Wall Street Journal report on long and irregular hours in theU.S.highlights Angie Clark, a J.C. Penney supervisor in Springfield, Virginia. Clarkworks at least 44 hours a week, including evenings and frequent weekend shifts. Because of recent economic changes, staffers are busier than 5 years earlier, when Clarkhad 38 salespeople instead of the current 28. The result of this pressure is a 40% turnover. Because employee turnover is so large, training consists of the bare minimum – mostly how to operate the cash registers.

Discuss the implications of a strategy of heavy use of overtime in retailing, as well as in other fields, such as manufacturing, hospitals, and airlines. How does this U.S. approach compare to that in other countries?

To post to the discussion, click on Week 4 Management Chat Forum above, then Create Thread.

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Discuss the implications of a strategy of heavy use of overtime in retailing, as well as in other fields, such as manufacturing, hospitals, and airlines.

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