Does the significance of the proposed work section express the importance of the research well enough?

Does the significance of the proposed work section express the importance of the research well enough?.

The document is a student research grant proposal. Only the 2nd and the 3rd page contain the actual proposal. It is good if you 1) Have written/revised/submitted grant proposal before. 2) have computer science or engineering background. Paper summary: The paper is under the discipline of computer science and is about a memory model used for detecting and tolerating concurrency bugs in multi-threading programs. The help I need include: The paper is under the discipline of computer science and is about a memory model used for detecting and tolerating concurrency bugs in multi-threading programs. The help I need include: 1) Whether the introduction section gives enough background information for a non-technical person to understand what problem the research is trying to solve? 2) Whether the questions in the “research questions” section make senses and look important from a non-technical persons perspective? 3) Whether the “hypothesis and theory” section makes the insight clear on how this problem can be solved? 4) Whether the “proposed methods” section connects well with other sections and if not, how can it be improved with limited space? 5) Does the “significance of the proposed work” section express the importance of the research well enough? How can it be improved? Since the proposal is supposed to be non-technical. Please consider to revise it to make it appealing to even non-technical people. The requirements from the people who are going to review the proposal: A cover page with Project Title, Students name and name.# , faculty sponsors name and name.#. The major discipline should be stated on first page. A two-page single-spaced non-technical synopsis of the proposed research, including a title, research questions, hypothesis and theory, proposed methods, significance of the proposed work, a proposed budget, and a listing of cited work. The budget and listing of literature may go beyond the 2-page limit, but tables and figures (if any) must be within the 2-page limit. The budget should specifically indicate how the support will be used to further the research.

Does the significance of the proposed work section express the importance of the research well enough?

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