Evaluate the effect of lifestyle on health

Evaluate the effect of lifestyle on health.

Evaluate the effect of lifestyle on health.

We have all heard it on the news: Lifestyle affects health. This chapter does an excellent job of breaking down various lifestyle components and explaining how they relate to your overall health. It’s critical for us to know this, not only for our own health, but to educate those we love as well.

  • Read Chapter 9 in your text.
  • In 3-4 paragraphs describe the effects of lifestyle on health. Specifically, discuss diet and nutrition, physical fitness, and the use of alcohol and tobacco. Did any of this information affect or surprise you? Why or why not?
  • As a final piece of this response, provide a personal reflection of your own lifestyle behaviors. Then, select one area where you need growth in relation to lifestyle choices and support with pertinent scripture.

Evaluate the effect of lifestyle on health

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