Evaluation of break even analysis identifying and discussing strengths and weaknesses using examples

Evaluation of break even analysis identifying and discussing strengths and weaknesses using examples.

Task 1 Produce a report in which you address the following:
· Explanation of the processes involved in establishing cost and profit input and output within business applications
· Description of variables related to cost and profit margins and how these variables are monitored and controlled
· Outlining of breakeven analysis processes related to business objectives and applications
· Evaluation of break even analysis identifying and discussing strengths and weaknesses using examples
· Explanation of the aims, objectives and processes of budgeting for business applications and context
· Description of types of budgets and their relevance to specific business contexts
· Discussion relating to budgetary responsibility within a business and what the responsibility entails
Task 2 Write about the following:
· How cash flow forecast is constructed and relate the construction to aims and objectives
· Discussion about the benefits of cash flow forecasts relating to business applications objectives and financial planning
· Demonstration by construction of an example cash flow forecast for a hypothetical business, how it can be used effectively as a planning tool in business application.

Evaluation of break even analysis identifying and discussing strengths and weaknesses using examples

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