Examine the main architectural differences between a pipeline computer and an array processor.

Examine the main architectural differences between a pipeline computer and an array processor..

a) E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods and services electronically.

Highlight the benefits of e-commerce to:
1. An organization. (4 marks)
2. An individual (4 marks)

Public domain software is software that is not protected by copyright and thus may be duplicated by anyone at will.

Describe four sources of public domain software (8 marks)

c) Throughout the development of an information system, the systems analyst will need to communicate with the users.

1. Explain why communication with the users is an important feature of systems development. (2 marks)
2. State two methods of communication that the systems analyst could employ. (2 marks)

a) Explain the role of the following telecommunication equipment to computer networks
1. Bridge (4 marks)
2. Gateway (4 marks)
3. Router (4 marks)

b) Many computer have been designed to achieve faster computational speeds.

Examine the main architectural differences between a pipeline computer and an array processor. (8 marks)

Examine the main architectural differences between a pipeline computer and an array processor.

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