Example Projects

Example Projects.

Think of this as if it were a face-to-face health fair and you were at a table.
Once you pick your topic or population of interest, you need to decide what you want to do with/for them. Most students do a teaching intervention. For a teaching intervention, you will want to tell us about your topic or population. Then speak about an organization that works with that topic or population. Tell us what your plan is (see example below); in other words, what are you doing and why should we care?
Your presentation will be a PowerPoint presentation. You will be able to share your screen and show everyone. You could do a poster instead and show it using your camera. This entire presentation will help you in completing the Final Project Paper.
Try to keep your presentation at 5 minutes or less as we have up to 20 presentations to view.
Example Projects:
Breastfeeding-Let’s say my topic of interest is the importance and benefits of breastfeeding. I could create a PowerPoint showing the benefits of breastfeeding that I would have presented at a face-to-face health fair. I could speak about an organization that provides resources to expectant mothers or those with newborns.
Homeless persons-Let’s say my population of interest is the homeless. I could create a PowerPoint discussing the problem of homelessness and what that entails: lack of resources, lack of access to healthcare, poor nutrition, drug abuse, alcoholism, mental health problems, HIV and other STIs. I could speak about an organization that provides assistance to the homeless population in our area
Topic of interest is: childhood obesity


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Example Projects

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