Explain the importance of Ethics in the field of Criminal Justice in all of the following professions.

Explain the importance of Ethics in the field of Criminal Justice in all of the following professions..

Explain the importance of Ethics in the field of Criminal Justice in all of the following professions. Use your text, Scripture, and at least two other sources to reinforce your position: Law Enforcement, Probation and Parole Officer, Prosecuting Attorney, Defense Attorney, Judge, Institutional Correctional Officer. Please answer in at least 5 – 6 pages, double spaced, and in font that is no larger than 12 point. Please document all your sources in APA format, including a title page and reference page.
I need complete perfection! Zero plagerism, correct grammar and spelling. APA format is important also

Explain the importance of Ethics in the field of Criminal Justice in all of the following professions.

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