f. Coursework Requirements

f. Coursework Requirements.

f. Coursework Requirements:
This coursework is based on a case study of your choice. The case study should represent a scenario where data can be used to improve the decision-making process.  The submission should be in the form of a report of no more than 2400 word, see below for more details.  Your report will be based on the material covered in the lectures and labs, but you are also expected to carry out your own research.
Your submission should contain the following sections:
v  The Case Study (15 marks)
Ø  A brief overview of your chosen case study, which clearly describes the scenario where data can be used to improve the decision-making process.
v  The Data Requirements (15 marks)
Ø  A detailed discussion of the data requirements of your scenario.  This should include a discussion of both:
§  Internal data, data collected locally.
§  External data, data collected by external bodies.
v  The Data Warehouse (30 marks)
Ø  A discussion of data identified which would be suitable for storage in a data warehouse.
Ø  An example and brief discussion of one suitable data schema. E.g. A star, snowflake or galaxy schema. 
Ø  Using examples from your scenario, discuss:
§  The ETL process.
§  Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
v  Big Data (25 marks)
Ø  A discussion of data identified which would not be suitable for storage in a data warehouse.
Ø  A discussion of reasons the data is not suitable for storge in a data warehouse.
Ø  Using examples from your scenario, discuss a framework that could be used to collect, store and analyse this data.
v  Conclusion (15 marks)
Ø  This should include a summary of the report and suggest the most appropriate data strategy for your scenario. 


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f. Coursework Requirements

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