Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Refer to the scenario located attached. This scenario puts you in a place to assist ABC Multinational Company to help educate employees on ethical practices and corporate culture.

Read the scenario i and complete the activity below.

Create either a handout, job-aid, poster, or flyer to educate employees on the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. Complete the following for your educational tool:

Explain what the employees should know regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Provide examples of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations.
Identify company actions or red flags that might indicate violations of the Act.
List consequences of violations.
Recommend actions to report possible violations.
Describe protections for whistle blowers. Why are they important? How do the protections impact the Act?

The post Foreign Corrupt Practices Act first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

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