Hermes International Presentation

Hermes International Presentation.

Hermes International Presentation

the attached document is our assignment 2 we discussed previously about Hermes international company’s financial statement, the requirements of new assignment are 4 sections , business, management report , auditor report and sustainability/ ethical report as pp presentation.


Continuing with assignment 1 group members and your chosen company, complete the

below sections.

Presentation sections:

1. Business:

a. What is the business model of the firm? (3 marks)

b. Are there any particular issues or problems for the company for the year just passed or to be

expected in the future? (2 marks)

2. Management/director’s report:

a. What is the purpose of this report? (2 marks)

b. Who has signed the report on behalf of the company? (1 mark)

3. Auditor’s report:

a. What purpose does the Auditors Report serve? (2 marks)

b. Who are the Auditors of the company you are examining? (2 marks)

c. What did the auditors conclude? (2 marks)

4. Sustainability/environmental/ethical report:

a. Does the company have one of these reports, or some comment on these issues and what is

it called? (note, there may be a separate report or it may be contained within the Directors

Report). (2 marks)

b. What is this review about and why do you think it is included? (2 marks)

c. What are the main things it mentions? (2 marks)


• Continue with the same group members and company from assignment 1

• Submit as a power point presentation with recorded audio via blackboard

• Plagiarized work will be given a ZERO.

• Save the file using group member names. (Example: ACCT 313-A.1-Mona, Hind, Reem.ppt)

• Submission date week 13 Thursday.

Hermes International Presentation

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