How are similar products or alternatives of competitors advertised compared to your product of choice?Explain

How are similar products or alternatives of competitors advertised compared to your product of choice?Explain.

Advertisement Review:

Two page report for a product/service of your choice.

Review how the product is advertised in the media now. Report should include:

1.The product you are doing an advertisement critique

2.What improvements would you make(media selection, target market, etc.)

3.How are similar products or alternatives of competitors advertised compared to your product of choice?


Put your answers in a PowerPoint as in the example I have provided. However, one last added slide should be your overall comments on what your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions for the company are for improvement.


Final Project:Develop an advertising media packet/portfolio for a company’s product/service of your own choosing. Projects will be completed as an APA formatted paper based on the eight items below.  This will ensure you do not miss any required parts of the paper!Projects will contain following parts as justified by your media plan:

1.Product 4 Ps: product, price, place, then you’re expanding on promotion. A description of the product or service selected by you to be marketed. (Ch 1).

2.Marketing strategy/analysis, target market process, positioning strategy. A description of your intended target market. Provide a SWOT on the product/servicethat you will be advertising.A position description(strategy), which provides the copy platform for your campaign and distinguishes it from the competition. This position is the basis of campaign slogans, taglines or advertising themes.

A description of the product attributes/selling points, which are unique and setthe product/service apart from the competition.(Ch 2)

3.Consumer Behavior Analysis: problem, consumer motivation, info search. (Ch 4)

4.Objectives/budget (Ch 7)

5.Implementation/Strategy (Ch 9)

6.Media Planning & Strategy (Ch 10)

7.Evaluation of Media according to your media choices(this is where you will put your media from the list below, combined with your justification as to why you chose to use each type of media i.e. Twitter because target market is 20-30 years old, Yellow Pages because target market is 70-80 years old. You do not need to put for every media choice but at least cover once. (Ch 11-17)

8.Measuring Effectiveness (Ch 18)Possible Media (justify according to your target market’s demographicsi.e. 20-30 year olds would use more digital NOT Yellow Pages but a 70-80 year old woulduse Yellow Pages morethan digital).

1.A preliminary design (thumbnail sketch is good enough) of the intended brand or logoif new product or redesigning the logo, otherwise can use existing logo. Choose at least five of the following media:Traditional Media:

1.A layout of a full-pagemagazine advertisement with copy and layout aimed at a regional or national market.

2.A quarter page layout of a newspaper advertisement with copy and layout targeted to a local market.

3.A rough layout of a billboard advertisement with copy and layout targeted to a local market. Remember a passerby only has a few seconds to see, notice and remember this type of advertising.

4.One 30-second radio commercial with script suggestions written out.

5.One 15-second television commercial storyboard.

6.One or two direct mail advertisements.DigitalMedia:

7.Pay per click(PPC) ads

8.Display ads (also include where placed)

a.Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin)b.Third party websites (WebMD, Spotify, Buzzfeed, etc.)

9.Video ad (YouTube)

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How are similar products or alternatives of competitors advertised compared to your product of choice?Explain

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